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ForumsCog Forum → Restarting level
Restarting level
2001-10-08, 1:01 PM #1
Can you make it so if you fail an objective the level restarts? If possible without having to kill the player.
I already know how to make it end a level but am unable to make it restart.
2001-10-08, 7:10 PM #2
SetActorFlags(player,0x400000); will "fade" the player and will restart the level automatically. Only way I know of doing it, plus it'll add a neat effect to the restarting of the level. []
-Hell Raiser
2001-10-09, 10:55 AM #3
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I love you!
Thanks big time, you've spared me some hair. I was thinking I was gonna go bold after this level [].
Your name has been added to my credits and the cog it self.
2001-10-09, 2:49 PM #4
Awww shucks, you're welcome. []
-Hell Raiser

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