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ForumsCog Forum → blocking with the saber
blocking with the saber
2001-10-17, 12:22 AM #1
couple years ago I had a mod that made the saber block everything coming from the direction you were facing, not letting shots to your foot get through. I can't find it at all anymore, so I was wondering where the game controls what gets blocked or not. I assume it's in a COG somewhere, does anyone have any clue where it might be? (Or where that mod is?)
2001-10-17, 5:44 PM #2
The saber-blocking enable flag is 0x2000, it disables in weap_saber.cog when you deactivated and fire.
Hey, I'm here! But who cares?
2001-10-18, 11:27 AM #3
thank you for the response. My question was a little unclear I think. Even when it is activated and you are doing nothing, somoene you are facing can still hit you with a shot. The saber doesn't block everything. I was wondering what to do about that.

The patch I was thinking of prevented anything from hitting you from the direction you were facing, except if you were swinging.
2001-10-18, 11:35 AM #4
Did the saber appear to block the extra bolts that were deflected or did they just reflect while the saber didn't move?

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2001-10-19, 5:29 AM #5
If I remember correctly, the saber blocked everything 'cause the author modified enemy AI so that their accuracy was at max. The result was that the shots came always straight to you and the saber always blocked. Can't remember the MOD name, but I remember that I was asking myself the same question and investigated...

"May the SourceCode be with you..."
"May the SourceCode be with you..."
Nemios, MOD developer.
2001-10-20, 11:17 PM #6
SaberMaster: I should have metioned that [] Yeah, the saber moved as everything was deflected. I was wondering if it made you magnetically sealed or whatever like the ATSTs, but the saber did move. Possible to trigger the block movement somehow when something bounces off you?

Nemios: That could be. I thought they were still inaccurate sometimes: I don't remember them hitting me all the time when I was not facing them, but I really can't think of any other way he could have done that mod, so it could well be. Could he have modified it so they were super accurate only when you were facing them? That's kind of stretching it though []

Hope you can come up with the name []

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