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ForumsCog Forum → Little Help?
Little Help?
2001-10-23, 10:44 AM #1
See I have this box and I wanna make it so when someone clicks on this box.. it gives them a gun.. how can this be done?
2001-10-23, 4:53 PM #2
Click as in activates it ?
2001-10-24, 10:36 AM #3
wow i thought i would never come back here
i am rusty so this is probably wrong bu might as well try.
thing player local
thing switch
message startup
message activated
player = getlocalplayerthing();
SetInv(player,0,0); //the first # is bin #
                    //2nd # quantity

okay i haven't cogged forever so the verbs might be wrong, u might want to check them on jkspecs but other than that is should work

/edit forgot to add symbols and end /edit

[This message has been edited by Han5678 (edited October 24, 2001).]
roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and I am too!

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