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ForumsCog Forum → need new cog...
need new cog...
2001-10-31, 5:08 PM #1
i need a cog that prints a message when you hit the activate button on a civilian (like they are talkin to you), and also makes an item at a ghost position. anyone feel up to it? i know it pry aint hard...

Everyone dies.
It’s the final and only lasting justice. Evil exists; it is intelligence in the service of entropy. When the side of a mountain slides down to kill a village, this is not evil, for evil requires intent. Should a sentient being cause that landslide, there is evil; and it requires Justice as a consequence, so that the civilization can exist. There is no greater good than Justice; and only if law serves Justice is it a good law. It is said correctly that law exists not for the Just but for the Unjust, for the Just carries the law in their hearts, and do not need to call it from afar.
I bow to no one, and give service only for cause.
2001-10-31, 5:56 PM #2
Easy as pie..


Message Activated
Thing Player Local
Thing Civilian
Thing Ghost
Template Type
Int Lock
Int Locks=0 Local
If(Getsenderref()==Civilian) {
JKprintunistring(Player, UNI);
If(Locks==0) {
Creatething(Type, Ghost); }
If(Lock==1) { Locks=1; } }

Havent tested it, but it should work... []

Note: If 'Lock' is set to 1, the script will only create the object 1 time, but will display the message evry time the civilian is activated.
If 'Lock' is set to 0, it will create the object evry time.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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