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ForumsCog Forum → I need a cogger better than the best cogger in the world
I need a cogger better than the best cogger in the world
2001-11-05, 2:20 PM #1
I need a cog that will activate some sector thrust to a specifyable vector in a specifyable sectore for a specified amount f time. With sounds also []
2001-11-05, 3:21 PM #2
oh and dont forget teh specified ammount of time before it shuts off []
2001-11-05, 6:44 PM #3
Ahh, sectorthrust. A true classic.


# 11/2001 GBK
Message Activated
Message Timer
Surface Switch
Sector Thrust_sector
Vector Thrust_dir
Flex Thrust_speed
Flex Thrust_time
Sound Thrust_sound
Thing Sound_thing
Flex Sound_dist
Int Channel Local
If(Getsenderref() == Switch) {
Setwallcel(Switch, 1);
Sectorthrust(Thrust_sector, Thrust_dir, Thrust_speed);
Channel = Playsoundthing(Thrust_sound, Sound_thing, 1.0, -1, Sound_dist, 0x1);
Setwallcel(Switch, 0);
Setsectorthrust(Thrust_sector, Thrust_dir, 0);
Stopsound(Channel, 0.1);


It works, I tested it. []

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-05, 7:09 PM #4
You need a normal cogger for this to be done []

------------------ - Millennium
2001-11-06, 9:42 AM #5
...or a normal cogger with lots of time on his hands... []

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-06, 11:36 AM #6
THanks GBK, your gonna get extra credit in my level [] i might make up somethign that says "Thanks to GBK for the cog" when the switch is activated hehe

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