ok, here is a cog jipe helped me with, i screwed it up bad cuz i have no cogging abilities, and jipe is a busy man, so i was wondering if someone could help?
here's all the cog i have:
here's all the cog i have:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # CHOPPYCHOPCHOP.COG # symbols thing player local thing ghost template gib1=+g1 local template gib2=+g1 local template gib3=+g1 local template gib4=+g2 local template gib5=+g2 local template gib6=+blood3 local sector fansector int oldflags #------------------------------------------------------------ messages startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); enter: if(GetSenderRef() == fansector) { oldflags = GetThingFlags(player); SetThingsFlags(player, GetThingFlags(player) & 0x01); CreateThing(gib1, SetThingPos(Player)); CreateThing(gib2, SetThingPos(Player)); CreateThing(gib3, SetThingPos(Player)); CreateThing(gib4, SetThingPos(Player)); CreateThing(gib5, SetThingPos(Player)); CreateThing(gib6, SetThingPos(Player)); TeleportThing(player, respawn); SetThingFlags(player, oldflags); } end