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ForumsCog Forum → I need help with a cog...
I need help with a cog...
2001-11-18, 2:42 PM #1
Basically, I need a someone who will make a cog for an item that uses battery power, and can be turned on and off. Its for a mod that im going to submit. They're name will of course be in the thankyous.

The Masta Of Deth, Deth Masta...
(Hostile Takeover)
Check Um Out...
2001-11-18, 4:14 PM #2
Since I have no idea what you want the cog to do, I can only suggest that you crack the fieldlight cog, remove the lighting components, and insert your own.
Rename it and assign a hotkey.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-18, 4:41 PM #3
I've tried that already, but either the light still comes on or when you turn it on and try to turn it off again, it says on and wont let you turn it off. What I want to do is make a set of items that run off the battery that do things like: making you magsealed, and a faster run (which is like force run but uses battery instead of mana), and making your gravity lower, so you can jump higher. They would of course run out quickly so you couldn't just keep using them.

The Masta Of Deth, Deth Masta...
(Hostile Takeover)
Check Um Out...

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