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ForumsCog Forum → Ladies and Gentlemen
Ladies and Gentlemen
2001-11-22, 9:11 AM #1
Im taking on the task of learning Cog. I think im going to start by opening a simple Door cog and go from there. Where do YOU think i should start?
2001-11-22, 10:11 AM #2
Mmm. Door cogs arent simple. Try a nice text ouput cog first.

As for tutorials, Pele wrote a nice one. Thats where I started.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-22, 10:19 AM #3
I read no tutorials. I started reading cogs until i knew the body of cog. Get CogWriter after you know the body of cog, it has a list of the cog verbs.

Guns don't kill people. Kids who play computer games do.
[edit: Visit Cave_Demon's site: ! -stat]
[This message has been hacked by StaticX (edited September 11, 2001).]
2001-11-22, 11:47 AM #4
Don't trust Cog Writer for the verb list, go to the JKSpecs and Millennium's list for that. For SYNTAX, use Cog Writer.
2001-11-22, 3:03 PM #5

cog warehouse has no tuts.. soon. []
2001-11-22, 9:45 PM #6
Hmm your right! I soon relized after that post that ddoor cogs are not simple...
2001-11-25, 9:51 AM #7
I personally hated CogWriter. It didn't really help me that much. I like to use CogED. It helps to remember where I put certian things on functions, and plus it has a list of cog funtions biult in.

To die you must first live, and to win you must first lose....
Do not judge a person by what they do...but rather, what they have done.
2001-11-25, 10:00 AM #8
Cogwriter is a help to newbies because of the syntax checker.

Once youve learned the syntax, you really dont need it.

And if your like me, you got ALL of the cog verbs memorized, along with thier args, so you dont need the verb list.... []

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-25, 10:47 AM #9
IMO, EditPlus is the best script editor. And Massassi has a good EditPlus syntax file for cog in the misc download section.

However, CogWriter's syntax checking can by very handy. -Even if you have mastered the syntax.

Pele's tutorial is the best one I've seen yet. But that Echo3 tut is not trustworthy. As with any cog tutorial, don't trust it too far.

There we were, three against a thousand. They came at us with knives, clubs, and spears. Bodies fell left and right...

They were the toughest three we ever fought.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2001-11-25, 11:02 AM #10
I write my cogs in notepad or EditPlus, but if they don't work I run them through cog writer.

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