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ForumsCog Forum → Are you a cogger? Do you have 10 min of spare time? Could you do somthing for me?
Are you a cogger? Do you have 10 min of spare time? Could you do somthing for me?
2001-11-26, 2:28 AM #1
Ok... Obviously, i need some cogs. here's one... im going to give people the next one as soon as i get the frst one.... btw, if you would prefer to E-mail it, my Email is:
ANyways, the first cog is simple:
when you kill an enemy(thing) a door opens, automatically, on its own, and STAYS open.


Visit my site!
My levels never have bugs! The just develop random features...
-I am the Pencil Bandito!! Give me all of your Writing utensils!-
Fools!! I'll Destroy them all!!!!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-11-26, 5:47 AM #2
Quite a simple goal. This is the first draft of my 'Ultimate door cog'. It will do that, and soooo much more...

Right click me, click 'Save Target As...'.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-26, 11:20 AM #3
Thankyou. []
Next cog:
It starts when the level starts. VIew autmatically goes to ghost cam 1, and a line of text apperas on top of the screen, and a sound plays. Then, view switches to ghost cam 2. An object plays its keys. change to ghost cam 3. explosions erupt from 8 different ghost positions. an object goes to a ghost objects. end level.

Caould anybuddy do that one? it would be a major help!

thanks again, GBK []

Visit my site!
My levels never have bugs! The just develop random features...
-I am the Pencil Bandito!! Give me all of your Writing utensils!-
Fools!! I'll Destroy them all!!!!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-11-26, 11:54 AM #4

thing     ghostcam0
thing     ghostcam1
thing     ghostcam3

template  explosion
thing     ghostsplode0
thing     ghostsplode1
thing     ghostsplode2
thing     ghostsplode3
thing     ghostsplode4
thing     ghostsplode5
thing     ghostsplode6
thing     ghostsplode7

thing     objectmover
thing     objectghost

sound     sounder

keyframe  objectkey=yourkey.key   local
thing     object1

flex     camerawait1
flex     camerawait2
flex     camerawait3

int      i=0            local

message  startup




   SetCameraFocus(0, ghostcam0);
   PlaySoundLocal(sounder, 1, 0, 0x10000); 


   SetCameraFocus(0, ghostcam1);
   PlayKey(object1, objectkey, 0x38);

   SetCameraFocus(0, ghostcam2);
   for(i=0; i<=7; i=i+1)
   {CreateThing(explosion, ghostsplode);}

   //insert goto ghost object thing here

   Sleep(camerawait3); //stick around for a
                       //while, let everything
                       //play out

   jkEndLevel(x); //replace x with 0 for
                  //success, or 1 for



I'm not quite sure what you mean by "an object goes to a ghost object." Is it an actor walking, or do you want it to instantly appear?

It would need some tweaking for your specific needs, aka, sleeps to get the timing right, but the basics are there. []

-Hell Raiser
Cogging Guru
It's funtastical merriment time!

[edit]doh! Editpad is so much more better than this little text box[/edit]

[This message has been edited by Hell Raiser (edited November 26, 2001).]
-Hell Raiser
2001-11-27, 11:11 AM #5
Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!!
[] [] [] []
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.

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