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ForumsCog Forum → Kyle.cog The Basic's of Movement
Kyle.cog The Basic's of Movement
2001-11-23, 8:23 AM #1
Where is it in the Kyle.cog about the player's speed on walking,running and jumping. I wish to make a player that can run and walk faster, and jump higher than normal
2001-11-23, 8:47 AM #2
Its not in the cog. Its in the walkplayer template.

Find the lines that say something to the order or 'Surfacedrag', and 'Airdrag'.

Make thier args lower, and the walkplayer will move faster.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-23, 9:29 AM #3
Is that the same for his health?

[This message has been edited by Dash_rendar (edited November 23, 2001).]
2001-11-23, 10:03 AM #4
Yes, but Ive never tried increasing the walkplayer max/min health args, so Im not sure.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-23, 11:06 AM #5
I know this will sound stupid, but I haven't really done much editing with templates, what is a template and where do I find them?
2001-11-23, 11:56 AM #6
Also, How do I put this into a gob?
2001-11-24, 11:42 AM #7
The master.tpl file, in your project directory. In that file is a line referencing the 'walkplayer'. Edit it's args.

JED will gob it when you gob your level.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-24, 1:58 PM #8
Ok I tried it, but I'm trying to make this for a modifaction. Is there a way to increase the speed and height for use with pre-existing levels?
2001-11-24, 2:13 PM #9
Use Static.jkl

I think there is a turtorial on Massassi about it somewhere...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-24, 4:33 PM #10
Ok I looked at the static.jkl, and all I see is the gravity, but it dosen't work when I set it to low. This is what it looks like

###### Header information ######
# version and global constant settings
Version 1
World Gravity 2.00
Ceiling Sky Z 3.000000
Horizon Distance 100.000000
Horizon Pixels per Rev 768.000000
Horizon Sky Offset 0.000000 0.000000
Ceiling Sky Offset 0.000000 0.000000
MipMap Distances 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
LOD Distances 0.300000 0.600000 0.900000 1.200000
Perspective distance 2.00
Gouraud distance 2.00
2001-11-24, 4:39 PM #11
You have to add the templates manually.

As for the gravity, its a cinch to change that via cog.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-25, 7:44 AM #12
Ok this is what I put down for my static.jkl,

###### Sprite information ######
Section: SPRITES

World sprites 20
0: bryx.spr
1: detx.spr
2: bowx2.spr
3: bowx.spr
4: rptx.spr
5: seqx2.spr
6: debrisx.spr
7: rldx.spr
8: conx.spr

##### Keyframe information #####

World keyframes 128

###### Animation Classes #######

World puppets 16
0: ky.pup

########## COG scripts #########
Section: cogscripts
World scripts 50

######### COG placement ########
Section: cogs
World cogs 50
#Num Script Symbol values

######### Template placement ########
Section: templates
World templates 1

# DESC: Player
# BBOX: -0.03730128 -0.01387423 -0.1184614 0.03811364 0.03983956 0.06454442
walkplayer _actor type=player thingflags=0x20000401 light=0.200000 model3d=ky.3do size=0.065000 movesize=0.065000 puppet=ky.pup soundclass=ky.snd cog=kyle.cog surfdrag=0.500000 airdrag=.10 staticdrag=0.300000 health=500.00 maxhealth=500.00 maxthrust=2.00 typeflags=0x1 error=0.50 fov=0.71 chance=1.00 mass=.000000005
#Num Script Symbol values

But when I load it, All I can do is stay still. And when I put in fly(eriamjh) It says invalid Physics or something. But I can shoot. Whats going on, and how do I fix it?
2001-11-25, 5:54 PM #13
To change the speed of you player use:

ParseArg(player, "maxvel=0.400000");

thats really slowif you want to change it back you'll have to find out what the original values for walkplayer are. Use TplMaker to get em' prob.

2001-11-25, 6:00 PM #14
Geez I forgot.
To set player gravity just use
ParseArg(player, "mass=somenumber");
that'll prob change it without changing the gravity of the entire level. Didn't test it though

pretty sure that if a player had a mass of 0
they'd fly [] when the jump

wanna change the max health when you activate a switch?
ParseArg(player, "maxhealth=400.00");

If you look at Jerecs template I believe his maxhealth is 1000 hehehe
2001-11-25, 6:08 PM #15
Yeah - take a look at Max's template.

A health of 5000 our young Jedi has, hmmmmmm?

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-25, 7:01 PM #16
heheh [] i forgot max exhisted! no wonder the thing never dies!!
2001-11-25, 7:03 PM #17
Bah! You can kill him, just shove him off a cliff...

...Or push him onto a "Deathsurface"...

...Or use that mod that makes the crossbow shoot 50+ force destruction...

...Or just disable the AI, and pour evrything you have into that thing...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-26, 11:04 AM #18
Is still dosen't work I think I messed up on pasteing my template into the static.jkl or something.
2001-11-26, 11:09 AM #19
I would suggest, trying it first in a level's mater TPL, just to get the hang of it, then moving on to the Static.jkl.

You might have slipped up somewhere along the line, keep trying, youll get it...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-26, 12:20 PM #20
It works in the master.tpl when I load a Level with a Jed, But I'm still having trouble with the static.

Here it is again

#********** World file D:\jedi\Products\JK\Release\Jkl\static.jkl ***** Created 10/30/1996 6:32pm **********

#### Copyright information #####

###### Header information ######
# version and global constant settings
Version 1
World Gravity 4.00
Ceiling Sky Z 3.000000
Horizon Distance 100.000000
Horizon Pixels per Rev 768.000000
Horizon Sky Offset 0.000000 0.000000
Ceiling Sky Offset 0.000000 0.000000
MipMap Distances 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
LOD Distances 0.300000 0.600000 0.900000 1.200000
Perspective distance 2.00
Gouraud distance 2.00

###### Sound information ######
World sounds 60

##### Material information #####
World materials 160

Section: Soundclass
World soundclasses 1
0: ky.snd

###### Models information ######
Section: MODELS

World models 32

0: bryv.3do
1: bryg.3do
2: sabv.3do
3: sabg.3do
4: rldv.3do
5; rldg.3do
6: conv.3do
7: cong.3do
8: strv.3do
9: strg.3do
10: rptv.3do
11: rptg.3do
12: detv.3do
13: detg.3do
14: seqv.3do
15: seqg.3do
16: fistv.3do
17: fistg.3do
18: bowv.3do
19: bowg.3do
20: ky.3do
21: bry0.3do
22: con0.3do
23: dflt.3do
24: rep0.3do
25: det0.3do
26: seqp.3do
27: rld0.3do

###### Sprite information ######
Section: SPRITES

World sprites 20
0: bryx.spr
1: detx.spr
2: bowx2.spr
3: bowx.spr
4: rptx.spr
5: seqx2.spr
6: debrisx.spr
7: rldx.spr
8: conx.spr

##### Keyframe information #####

World keyframes 128

###### Animation Classes #######

World puppets 16
0: ky.pup

########## COG scripts #########
Section: cogscripts
World scripts 50

######### COG placement ########
Section: cogs
World cogs 50
#Num Script Symbol values

Section: templates
World templates 1
# DESC: Player
# BBOX: -0.03730128 -0.01387423 -0.1184614 0.03811364 0.03983956 0.06454442
walkplayer _actor type=player thingflags=0x20000401 light=0.200000 model3d=ky.3do size=0.065000 movesize=0.065000 puppet=ky.pup soundclass=ky.snd cog=kyle.cog surfdrag=0.500000 airdrag=0.500000 staticdrag=0.300000 health=100.00 maxhealth=100.00 maxthrust=2.00 typeflags=0x1 error=0.50 fov=0.71 chance=1.00 mass=0.5

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong in the templates, like I said It stands in an idle postion, it's like his ability to move has expired, here is a link to a picture
2001-11-26, 1:07 PM #21
I see your problem. Your not defining "_actor".

Any resource used in a template has to be defined before the template.

In other words, copy in the "_actor" template as well, and place it before the walkplayer template.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-26, 1:14 PM #22
Why don't you try tplmaker from codealliance? It's pretty cool. You know what sucks though? When JKII comes out we're all going to be very lost.

I need my old username back.
I'll never join a clan again seeing as how mine is defunct, unless it's my clan!
2001-11-26, 2:21 PM #23
When I change something it dosen't work, I put _actor in from the master.tpl, I think I'm just gonna forget about it, I'm having to much troble with it anyway
2001-11-26, 2:32 PM #24
Try this one. I know it works. Modify it to your needs.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-27, 11:40 AM #25
Thanx GBK, I appreciate it, and all the help from everybody else

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