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ForumsCog Forum → Question
2001-12-03, 12:58 PM #1
I have a pretty werid question I am hoping that you guys could help me with. I want to make a mod in which you train to be a dark jedi. This is consisting of running, push-ups, lifting weights, (dunno how to get the powers, but that can come later). But I want to make it where your weak and have to work your way up by doing those things. Also I want you to get like out of breath and have muscles hurt etc. Also I was hoping to keep the stats so everytime your log on you can get better and better and then battle other people with the mod. Then you will gain ranks and be able to beat people who don't train and don't have the powers your have. Would this be possible at all?

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2001-12-03, 1:40 PM #2
Some of it, yes. But not multiplayer. That would require a plethora of coding.

What you want might[/i] be possible with the JK engine, but not without an extreme amount of work.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-12-03, 2:24 PM #3
There is no possible way to store your stats like that. That would involve outputting to a file, which frankly isn't possible.
2001-12-03, 6:10 PM #4
But if you had an external program that read the memory location of your stats, and had it input that into a cog file that kept it stored, ah, nevermind, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard........

-Hell Raiser
Cogging type person that does, umm, stuff.
-Hell Raiser
2001-12-04, 1:15 AM #5
I thought of that, and was halfway through typing it out when I decided it just wasn't a viable solution.

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