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ForumsCog Forum → Starting Weapon
Starting Weapon
2001-12-05, 3:06 PM #1
How do you change which weapon you start out with in multiplayer. If this should belong in the Main Editing forum, please move it there.
"The world is neither black nor white but differing shades of gray."
-By me.
2001-12-05, 3:50 PM #2
In kyle.cog, at the very bottom, change:

SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1));


SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, #));

Where # is the bin number of the weapon you want to start with.

-Hell Raiser
Cogging type person that does, umm, stuff.
-Hell Raiser
2001-12-05, 4:02 PM #3
Thanks Hell Raiser. I needed that.
"The world is neither black nor white but differing shades of gray."
-By me.

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