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ForumsCog Forum → On a rope. . .
On a rope. . .
2001-12-22, 11:48 AM #1
How woul you add the force_lightning to a grapphling hook, so it looks like it is a rope. I have a 3do that is placed at the end(the part that sticks to the wall) but I need a rope that dissapers in length as the player approaches the wall. This is for my Spider-man Modifaction
2001-12-23, 3:36 PM #2
I actually did this a couple of years ago, and had it working pretty well. Unfortunately I lost the cogs and stuff for it, otherwise I'd just give them to you.

But you just need to have a pulse that fires the projectile at the player from the hook or vise versa. Using something with trailthing and a short timer is most effective. I actually just used the laser trip mine laser template straight out of hideki's enhance pack at the time.

I found it was easier it fire TO the player FROM the projectile when the hook was moving, and FROM the player TO the projectile when the hook was attached. That just had the best visual results.

I wish I could remember the code right off hand...just check the JKspecs for the verbs to find a vector between two things. I think it was VectorSub(). Good luck.
2001-12-24, 4:38 AM #3
Could you make it where the player can retract on his own, and have a pendulum motion thing going on?
2001-12-24, 5:28 AM #4
You mean a seperate reel in button? Yeah, I did that when I made a grapple that was a weapon. Fire 1 fired, retracted the hook. Fire 2 would start the reeling in when held down.

Do you want this as a weapon? Or as a hotkey?
2001-12-24, 9:02 AM #5
It will need to be a hotkey won't it? I planned on having it work as a hotkey. It would be too much trouble to swing and then have to go to another weapon.

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