Hey there fellow coggers.
I need some back up here.
If think back enough, i've made upon myself a BIG project called ISLANDS OF DESTINY.
Its a dynamic map pack that strays from usual DEATHMATCH to include OBJECTIVES.
There are 3 maps in the main .gob
Danger Cove
Miranda Island
And The Atolls of Sacrifice.
The objective is spread along the storyline.
You, along with your friends, are archeologist in search of the 3 mystical ORBS OF KA'LA. But the other playerd ALSO want the orbs so its kinda of a race to who can get them first.
The first map, is kind of a SEA port in which you have to get the key from the office, to the boat. This is a bit DM,but you dont get any points until 1 person get the key to the boat without dying. You CANT pickup the key after someone drops it after dying.
The second map is the MAIN map. Your on Mirand island.. which is.. HUGE Think drazen island.. x4. I've spent 6 months on it and its not even done yet.
The island is a resort, filled with houses, markets, beaches, ports, pool, the works. Every area is accessible 1 way or another.
The 3 orbs, red, blue and green, spawn randomly from 1 spot, to the other every 3-4 minutes or so. So you have to keep running around to get them... and the hugeness of the island doesnt help.. thats the fun of it! hehe
After you got the 3 orbs, you must run back to the ship to win this map.
The last map is a set of 3 FLOATING atolls that float because of the POWERS of the orbs.
This is basically deathmatch and the person who wins is the one who can get 10 kills the first.
Then he wins the orbs and... the the ISLANDS OF DESTINY challenge.
This where i need your help.
This map pack requires a bit of cogging to get working.
1 cog for each map for the different objectives and a MASTER cog to get all the 3 maps working and decide who wins. This would require, i think, a new .gob for a small mod that would be required to be ran with patch commander.
This was suppose to be my BIG project to get away from JK editing and i've sworn myself not to go away until i've completed it.
The BlackPanther
Making 1337 3dos for the JK community, one vertex at a time... and wether you like it or not!
I need some back up here.
If think back enough, i've made upon myself a BIG project called ISLANDS OF DESTINY.
Its a dynamic map pack that strays from usual DEATHMATCH to include OBJECTIVES.
There are 3 maps in the main .gob
Danger Cove
Miranda Island
And The Atolls of Sacrifice.
The objective is spread along the storyline.
You, along with your friends, are archeologist in search of the 3 mystical ORBS OF KA'LA. But the other playerd ALSO want the orbs so its kinda of a race to who can get them first.
The first map, is kind of a SEA port in which you have to get the key from the office, to the boat. This is a bit DM,but you dont get any points until 1 person get the key to the boat without dying. You CANT pickup the key after someone drops it after dying.
The second map is the MAIN map. Your on Mirand island.. which is.. HUGE Think drazen island.. x4. I've spent 6 months on it and its not even done yet.
The island is a resort, filled with houses, markets, beaches, ports, pool, the works. Every area is accessible 1 way or another.
The 3 orbs, red, blue and green, spawn randomly from 1 spot, to the other every 3-4 minutes or so. So you have to keep running around to get them... and the hugeness of the island doesnt help.. thats the fun of it! hehe
After you got the 3 orbs, you must run back to the ship to win this map.
The last map is a set of 3 FLOATING atolls that float because of the POWERS of the orbs.
This is basically deathmatch and the person who wins is the one who can get 10 kills the first.
Then he wins the orbs and... the the ISLANDS OF DESTINY challenge.
This where i need your help.
This map pack requires a bit of cogging to get working.
1 cog for each map for the different objectives and a MASTER cog to get all the 3 maps working and decide who wins. This would require, i think, a new .gob for a small mod that would be required to be ran with patch commander.
This was suppose to be my BIG project to get away from JK editing and i've sworn myself not to go away until i've completed it.
The BlackPanther
Making 1337 3dos for the JK community, one vertex at a time... and wether you like it or not!
The BlackPanther
Making 3D models one vertex at a time... and wether you like it or not!
Making 3D models one vertex at a time... and wether you like it or not!