It's defined in the level's JKL under the "Things" section right after the "Templates" section. I had a problem a while ago where I could only create 200 of my custom template (thing) in my level. For some reason (don't ask why, it's late and I can't remember) I decided to look at the jkl for my test level. Lo and behold, "World Things" thing # was set to 203! I changed it to 503 and I could have 500 of my custom thing created in my test level.
Just took a quick look in the JK specs and here's what it says:
Seeings how I have no knowledge of levels and my forte is cog, it really sucks that I didn't know this untill now. (and other coggers'll feel the same I'm sure) I copied the World Things section to static.jkl (without entries of course) and JK bombed before it would show the select player menu, no matter how low the value. (figured maybe I could "add" a couple of more thing spaces for every level, but alas, JK is finiky)
Well, g'nite, errr... g'mornin. Whatever.![ []](
-Hell Raiser
Something Wiccan this way comes...
"Free, your, mind." - Morpheus, The Matrix
Cogging Guru for DBZ: TDIR
![ []](
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">From the JKSpecs:
World things N
# N is number of items in the list + 200 (usualy) to allow for things created at run time. Maximum things allowed is 640.</font>
World things N
# N is number of items in the list + 200 (usualy) to allow for things created at run time. Maximum things allowed is 640.</font>
Seeings how I have no knowledge of levels and my forte is cog, it really sucks that I didn't know this untill now. (and other coggers'll feel the same I'm sure) I copied the World Things section to static.jkl (without entries of course) and JK bombed before it would show the select player menu, no matter how low the value. (figured maybe I could "add" a couple of more thing spaces for every level, but alas, JK is finiky)
Well, g'nite, errr... g'mornin. Whatever.
![ []](
-Hell Raiser
Something Wiccan this way comes...
"Free, your, mind." - Morpheus, The Matrix
Cogging Guru for DBZ: TDIR
-Hell Raiser