I made a music cog, but it isn't working. It s supposed to start the channel as soon as you spawn, but what happens, is that it plays the punching sound over and over, and if you hit the activate button, it prints the message, and then starts playing the sound when a bryar bolt hits over and over. Pls help.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # muscic2.cog # # Plays music on the user's computer localy. # # symbols thing player sound musicSound=music.wav local int channel=-1 local int music=0 message startup message activated message killed end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); channel = PlaySoundlocal(music, 1.0, 0, 0x181); Return; # ======================================================================================== activated: if(music == 0) { Print("Music OFF"); StopSound(channel, 0.1); channel = -1; music = 1; } if(music == 1) { Print("Music ON"); channel = PlaySoundlocal(music, 1.0, 0, 0x181); music = 0; } Return; # ======================================================================================== killed: call stop_power; Return; # ======================================================================================== stop_power: if(channel != -1) { StopSound(channel, 0.1); channel = -1; } Return; end
"The world is neither black nor white but differing shades of gray."
-By me.
-By me.