Ok, this is for the new version of the Iron Jedi. I used this exact cog in JK and it worked fine but in MotS it causes a problem. I checked all the bins to make sure they were all right and they were. The cog is supposed to make you invisible, and it does. The problem is that, when I have this Force power available, I'm invincible. If I choose it as one of my multiplayer powers, I'm invincible. If I play a single player mission and type iamagod for all Force powers, I instantly become invincible. Why is it? Does this power just make you superior or what? Anytime you have this power available you are invincible? Why? Here's the cog...
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # FORCE_QUICKSILVER.COG # # Modified by LordXT to render user invisible. # # FORCEPOWER Script - Quicksilver # Light Side Power # Bin 29 # # [YB] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved symbols thing player local flex mana local flex cost=7.0 local int rank local int effectHandle=-1 local sound persuasionSound=ForcePersuas01.WAV local template qs_tpl=+quicksilver local message startup message activated message timer message pulse message newplayer message killed message selected end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); call stop_power; Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: if(!IsInvActivated(player, 29)) { mana = GetInv(player, 14); if(mana >= cost) { Sleep(2.0); SetInvActivated(player, 29, 1); PlayMode(player, 24); // Play activation sound PlaySoundThing(persuasionSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); // Create the sphere SendTrigger(-1, 1777, player, randVec, 0, 0); rank = GetInv(player, 29); // Set player invisible to AI SetActorFlags(player, 0x80); effectHandle = newColorEffect(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); EnableIRMode(1.0, 1); SetThingCurGeoMode(player, 0); jkSetFlags(player, 0x0); SetTimer(0.1); SetPulse(0.1); } } else if(IsInvActivated(player, 29)) call stop_power; // Create the Quicksilver SendTrigger(-1, 1778, player, randVec, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: // Check to see if we've been killed or turned off the Force power if(GetThingHealth(player) < 1) Return; if(!IsInvActivated(player, 29)) Return; mana = GetInv(player, 14); if(mana >= cost) { if(GetInv(player, 65) != 1) ChangeInv(player, 14, -cost); SetTimer(1.0); } else { rank = GetInv(player, 29); DamageThing(player, 0.5 * rank, 0x8, GetSourceRef()); SetTimer(1); SetPulse(1); } Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: if(GetThingHealth(player) < 1) call stop_power; AddDynamicTint(player, 0, 0, 1000.0); Return; # ........................................................................................ selected: jkPrintUNIString(player, 29); Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: if(GetSenderRef() != player) Return; newplayer: call stop_power; Return; # ........................................................................................ stop_power: SetPulse(0); KillTimerEx(1); SetInvActivated(player, 29, 0); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x80); freeColorEffect(effectHandle); effectHandle = -1; DisableIRMode(); SetThingCurGeoMode(player, GetThingGeoMode(player)); jkClearFlags(player, 0x0); Return; end
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)