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ForumsCog Forum → Hmm...Help with weapon cogs...
Hmm...Help with weapon cogs...
2002-01-19, 5:45 PM #1
I am making a bow and arrow weapon...It's based of the thermal detonators. So far the external view works perfect. You hold the button down to draw back, longer you hold down, further it goes and stuff...However for the POV view it seems LEC made the fists that hold the thermies NOT part of the model...i guess there hard coded in there or something...So when I make my normally working bow and arrow model the pov model for the thermie,it shows the hands holding a little bow and arrow and just the throws it for the animation...annoying. I was just wondering how I can copy the draw back for distance and hold stuff from the thermies into another weapon (like the bryer)...basicly I don't know which parts of the cog do would be appreciated...

PS: Sorry for getting pissy on that other thread...

Save a tree, Kill a beaver!
Save a tree, Kill a beaver!
2002-01-20, 1:10 AM #2
Sorry, i just woke up and understand nothing..

so you want it to play a POV animation and stop at the last frame of .key and keep that frame? Because that's what thermdets do.

Life is like... skating... yeah, skating is a good example. You see someone skating and think "Hey, that looks like fun and easy!". You go and buy a skateboard and try, you get a few broken bones, asphalt-face and stuff... But hey, i'm not the one who gets hurt!
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2002-01-20, 6:17 AM #3
yes, but only for external. the pov view I don;t care about, I just want the proper model to show for that.
Save a tree, Kill a beaver!
2002-01-20, 6:25 AM #4
Not sure but you could try PlayKey(player, animation, 0, 0x14);

Life is like... skating... yeah, skating is a good example. You see someone skating and think "Hey, that looks like fun and easy!". You go and buy a skateboard and try, you get a few broken bones, asphalt-face and stuff... But hey, i'm not the one who gets hurt!
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.

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