trying to make a cutscene...heres the never starts when i play the level..I just start as a player...Its in placed cogs and everything with the right values...but the cog just doesn't seem to start what's wrong??
[edit]updated code[/edit]
[This message has been edited by Frantic (edited January 10, 2002).]
symbols thing camera1 thing camera2 thing bartender thing nox thing nox2 thing alin thing player local thing kyle local keyframe bartstand=bartenderstand.key local sound alin1=alintrapdoor.wav local sound alin2=alinwarsaw.wav local sound alin3=alinluck.wav local sound nox1=noxthx.wav local int keynum local message startup end code startup: Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); StopThing(Player); keynum=PlayKey(bartender, bartstand, 0x4); SetCameraFocus(0, camera1); MoveToFrame(camera1, 4, 0.5); Sleep(5.0); PlaySoundLocal(alin1, 1, 0, 132); Print("Alin: This trapdoor leads to an underground tunnel."); Sleep(1.0); Print("Alin: Eventually it comes up via another trapdoor inside a storage room,"); Sleep(1.0); Print("Alin: This will get you inside the castle walls, but not the manor itself."); Sleep(2.0); PlaySoundLocal(alin2, 1, 0, 132); Print("Alin: I'm staying at the Warsaw me outside it when you've finished."); Sleep(2.0); PlaySoundLocal(nox1, 1, 0, 132); Print("Nox: Thank you Alin." Sleep(2.0); PlaySoundLocal(alin3, 1, 0, 132); Print("Alin: Good luck Nox!"); Sleep(3.0); SetCameraFocus(0, camera2); AiSetMoveFrame(nox, 2); Sleep(5.0); jkEndLevel(1); Return; end
[edit]updated code[/edit]
[This message has been edited by Frantic (edited January 10, 2002).]
Save a tree, Kill a beaver!