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ForumsCog Forum → Two verb questions
Two verb questions
2002-01-21, 11:36 AM #1
First, what does the [edit]fourth parameter of jkEnableSaber() do? I didn't notice anything when I tested it.

And second, what does GetSithMode() do? It returns 1 in SP and MP and the same in MotS.

[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited January 22, 2002).]
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-01-21, 12:07 PM #2
The first question: isn't that the part that defines the damage?

Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
Ohh Crap! - Darien Fawkes (The Invisible Man)
2002-01-21, 12:07 PM #3
It might return your chosen path. 0 for light side, 1 for dark?

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-01-21, 12:12 PM #4
i think i got the answer to ur 1st question, was looking at cog ref last night and it sed that the 3rd value is the "blades lengh" , but since im a newbie cogger im not totally sure.
2002-01-22, 3:57 AM #5
Sorry, I meant to say the fourth parameter - the last one. []

jkEnableSaber(player, damage, length, unknown);

GBK: You mean something like jkGetChoice()? I'll test that... I posted this question because I though there might be some meaning to "sith" that escaped me - as in sithstrings.uni.

More matter with less art.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-01-22, 4:35 AM #6
Wasn't "Sith" the name of the engine built for JK? If this is right GetSithMode() could be a verb to return something from Advanced Display Options.

"May the SourceCode be with you..."
Nemios, MOD developer.
"May the SourceCode be with you..."
Nemios, MOD developer.
2002-01-22, 8:25 AM #7
Maybe the fourth variable has something to do with alpha blending... ah wishful thinking...
2002-01-22, 12:06 PM #8
1st question
JkEnableSaber(player, flex damage, flex bladelength, flex stundelay);
hope thats right
2002-01-22, 1:38 PM #9
Stun delay? please explain (now i'm interested)
2002-01-22, 4:10 PM #10
dunno, i just copied and pasted that from cof ref.
2002-01-22, 9:06 PM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Bath_Wader:
1st question
JkEnableSaber(player, flex damage, flex bladelength, flex stundelay);
hope thats right

Yeah, now I seem to remember. It should be the delay that has to pass to re-enable the sabre when it strikes.
I'll explain: when you enable the saber and you touch something it causes damage. Let's say it causes 20HP. When you initially touch a thing it causes 20HP and then disables for the specified time, so while the blade continue to pass throw it doesn't cause any more damage. I think (but should be tested) that if you lower this value to 0 you could cause damage by multiples of 20.

EDIT - I simple way to test. Render the sabre always enabled and going next to a wall, to see if sparkles rate rises or lowers while adjusting the value.

"May the SourceCode be with you..."
Nemios, MOD developer.

[This message has been edited by Nemios (edited January 23, 2002).]
"May the SourceCode be with you..."
Nemios, MOD developer.
2002-01-23, 10:47 AM #12
It doesn't work that way, Nemios.

The saber can damage a thing once each time the 0x2 JK Flag (not in the Specs) is set. Special markers in the saber fire keyframes tell JK when to set and clear this flag. You can set the flag through cog, and it will have the same effect. Just having the saber "enabled" doesn't let it damage anything.

Just what is "flex stundelay" supposed to mean? It's cryptic at best. I assume that the CA mistook a keyframe glitch for some sort stun effect when a player swings his saber and is damaged.

Thanks to all for your help []

More matter with less art.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.

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