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ForumsCog Forum → Totally profesional experianced cogger problem.
Totally profesional experianced cogger problem.
2002-01-25, 6:13 PM #1
Can somebody make me a cog that plays a sound in a sector looping, that goes ON TOP of the sector sound i have set up? Thank you, you will get credit.
2002-01-26, 7:36 AM #2
Not possible. At least, not without cheating:

1) The verb to use sector sounds, 'Sectorsound()', will replace the sector sound when used.

2) Using 'Playsoundatpos(Wav, Getsectorcenter(Sector), 1.0, -1, 100, 1); would work, but the sound would play in the sorrounding sectors as well.

This is cheating:

#01/2002 GBK
Message Startup
Message Entered
Message Exited
Thing Player    Local
Sector Sec
Sound Loop
Int Channel=-1   Local
Player = JKgetlocalplayer();
If(Getthingsector(Player) == Sec) {
Channel = Playsoundthing(Loop, Player, 1.0, -1, 20, 1); }
If(Getsenderref() != Sec) Stop;
Channel = Playsoundthing(Loop, Player, 1.0, -1, 20, 1);
If(Getsenderref() != Sec) Stop;
Stopsound(Channel, 0.1);

That plays the sound right on top of the player, but only when he is in the appropriet sector.

NOTE: This cog might not function properly in MP.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-01-26, 10:12 AM #3
Actually, im going to use sounds coming from ghost positions.

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