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message changed
2002-01-23, 11:38 PM #1
It's in the JKspecs as being listed in JK.exe..... Is it a message that was out dated by some newer cog verb or exe function? Or was it mearly one of those things that LEC didn't need to use in their cogs?

Same thing for message Aievent.

message Loading seems to me it's executed when the level loads, only for the purpose of using Loadtemplate or loadsound. (10_powercore.cog and 08_baydoors2.cog respectivly) The coggers could have just declared them in the symbols section, but I believe JK.exe didn't have that ability when those cogs were written. It would seem these two cogs slipped through the "code optimization" cracks.

Everytime a Loadsomething is used, it is returned to a variable that is declared as an int. If anybody can come up with a use for these, let me know. []

I'm sleepy now and am probably rambling, so I'll be going to bed now......

-Hell Raiser
Something Wiccan this way comes...
"Free, your, mind." - Morpheus, The Matrix
Cogging Guru for DBZ: TDIR
-Hell Raiser
2002-01-24, 7:17 AM #2
I'm not sure what an "AIEvent" is supposed to be, but I think that message was called when the AI was sighted among many other things. Been awhile since I researched it, but I remember that it was called almost periodically with no apparent event.

You can use the LoadRes() verbs in any message and because loading runs after startup, I don't think it has a special significance for loading resources.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Everytime a Loadsomething is used, it is returned to a variable that is declared as an int. If anybody can come up with a use for these, let me know.</font>

All of JK's vars, except for flex and float, are signed 32-bit integers - longints. And JK doesn't care what you define a variable as. In fact, JK doesn't even care if they aren't defined in the symbols.

The LoadRes() verbs are useful only when you don't want to put something in the symbols section. I use them for coding examples when I don't want to show the entire cog.


Glad to see you're working on that update. [] When will it be released?

[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited January 24, 2002).]
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-01-25, 12:29 AM #3
All in due time, TDiR is my main priority right now. []

-Hell Raiser
Something Wiccan this way comes...
"Free, your, mind." - Morpheus, The Matrix
Cogging Guru for DBZ: TDIR
-Hell Raiser
2002-01-26, 11:35 PM #4
AIevent is an erratic and buggy system message. I tried to use it once to get a special effect done each time a stormtrooper fires, so I put together a test cog to check the different kinds of parameters passed to the message (one of them, I believed, would indicate the type of event being sent - fire, jump, etc.). Unfortunately, the parameters passed were random floating point numbers.

I ended up using the fire: message, which doubles as an AI Fire Event message.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.

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