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ForumsCog Forum → touched:...........
2002-01-27, 8:47 PM #1
My thing touches a wall, and the touched: message isn't called by it's attached cog, but it gets called when the thing hits a another thing. I think there was something special you had to do, but I can't remember. []
-Hell Raiser
2002-01-28, 4:16 AM #2
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The touched message is called in an object's cog when a thing touches it. It is not called in the toucher's cog - only in the touchee's cog.

Sender: The thing that was touched.
Source: The thing that touched it.

What I had to do to get around that was create a weapon and attach it to the thing. Then when the thing hit a wall, the weapon was destroyed and the removed message of the weapon would send a message back to my main cog. Adding 0x8 flags to the attachment wouldn't letting the weapon hit the wall, so I had to use plain 0x4 Attach Flags.

[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited January 28, 2002).]
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-01-28, 12:17 PM #3
Hey! That'll work great! []

Would attaching fubar up the position of the "touched: projectile" if the Main Projectile was able to move around? I'd like to avoid using a pulse to get the "touched: projectile" to stay infront of the Main Projectiles lookvector. (I still thank you very much for those vector explanations you gave me a ways back [])
-Hell Raiser

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