K, I am using Hideki's C/S weapon setup *Custom projectiles in multiplayer*. I can't seem to get these cogs to run. It is supposed to pick a random pistol. When it fires, it uses the random int it got before and sends it to the client cog so it knows what projectile to fire. But I never get a weapon mesh to come up, and it crashes when I press the fire button. Everything checks out in CogWriter, so I doubt it's syntax. Here are the cogs:
The main cog:
The client cog:
Eventually all of the weapons for Rogue Squadron CTF 2.0 will be C/S, but I have to debug this first.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
The main cog:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # WEAP_BRYAR.COG # # WEAPON 2 Script - Random Blaster # # Chooses random blaster upon game start. Choices are the Byrar, # A Mandolorian Pistol, Blastech DL-66, Blastech DL-44, Stouker # Magnum or the Goldwave Sharpshooter. # # - Affected by MagSealed sectors/surfaces. # # [YB & CYW] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved # (C) 1998, 2002 Tazz --Modifications not supported by LEC. symbols model povModel0=bryv.3do local model weaponMesh0=bryg.3do local model povModel1=manv.3do local model weaponMesh1=mang.3do local model povModel2=pistv.3do local model weaponMesh2=pistg.3do local model povModel3=skinv.3do local model weaponMesh3=sking.3do local model povModel4=magv.3do local model weaponMesh4=magg.3do local model povModel5=gozblastechv.3do local model weaponMesh5=gozblastechg.3do local keyframe mountAnim=bryvmnt.key local keyframe dismountAnim=bryvdis.key local keyframe povfireAnim=bryvpst1.key local keyframe holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key local sound outSound=pistout1.wav local sound mountSound=df_bry_ready.wav local sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local sound fireSound0=pistol-1.wav local sound fireSound1=firestream.wav local sound fireSound2=blastek.wav local sound fireSound3=laser3.wav local sound fireSound4=magnum.wav local sound fireSound5=blastechfire.wav local template projectile0=+bryarbolt local thing player local thing victim local thing potential local thing dummy local flex dot local flex maxDot local flex fireWait=0.5 local flex holsterWait local flex fireDelay=0.6 local flex powerBoost local flex autoAimFOV=30 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local int weaponIndex local int trackID=-1 local int mode local int holsterTrack local int blah local message startup message activated message deactivated message selected message deselected message autoselect message fire message timer end # ======================================================================================== code //startup: //pick a random pistol Sleep(2); Return; # ======================================================================================== fire: player = GetSourceRef(); // Check that the player is still alive. if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) { Return; } // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon. if(GetInv(player, 11) < 1.0) { PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1) SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); Return; } SetPOVShake('0.0 -.003 0.0', '1.0 0.0 0.0', .05, 80.0); //Take away the FireProjectile command, take it to the client cog and replacing it with triggering. ID = GetCurWeapon(player) * 10 + GetSenderRef(); SendTrigger(-1, ID, player, blah, 0, 0); //keys should be left here, or somehow broadcasing will make it play more than twice... from the 4th parameter of FireProjectile. PlayMode(player, 8); //Sounds should be left here, or somehow broadcasing will make it play more than twice... from the 3rd parameter of FireProjectile. PlaySoundThing(fireSound[blah], player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80); ChangeInv(player, 11, -1.0); jkPlayPOVKey(player, povfireAnim, 1, 0x38); powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); ChangeFireRate(player, fireWait/powerBoost); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); ActivateWeapon( player, fireWait/powerBoost, mode ); Return; # ........................................................................................ deactivated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350); DeactivateWeapon( player, mode ); Return; # ........................................................................................ selected: player = GetSourceRef(); blah=rand()*6; // Setup the meshes and models. jkSetPOVModel(player, povModel0[blah]); jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh0[blah]); SetArmedMode(player, 1); // Play mounting sound. PlayMode(player, 41); PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE). // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played. trackID = jkPlayPOVKey(player, mountAnim, 0, 0x14); jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350); // Clear saber flags, and allow activation of the weapon jkClearFlags(player, 0x5); SetCurWeapon(player, 2); SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim)); Return; # ........................................................................................ deselected: player = GetSourceRef(); weaponIndex = GetSenderRef(); PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); jkPlayPOVKey(player, dismountAnim, 0, 0x18); holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim); SetMountWait(player, holsterWait); holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4); SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0); if (trackID != -1) { jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0); trackID = -1; } jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ autoselect: player = GetSourceRef(); // If the player has the weapon if(GetInv(player, 2) != 0.0) { // If the player has ammo if(GetInv(player, 11) != 0.0) { ReturnEx(500.0); } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0.0); Return; end
The client cog:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # Client_Bryar.COG # # Description # # # This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co # This flag makes the cog act locally, no broadcasting, less lag. flags=0x404 symbols flex autoAimFOV=30 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local template projectile0=+bryarbolt local template projectile1=+mandalorbolt local template projectile2=+dl66bolt local template projectile3=+sharpshooterbolt local template projectile4=+magnumbolt local template projectile5=+blastechbolt local int blah local message trigger end # ======================================================================================== code trigger: if( (GetSourceRef() == 20) || (GetSourceRef() == 21) ) //Either sent with primary or secondary fire mode... { blah = GetParam(1); FireProjectile(GetParam(0), projectile0[blah] -1, -1, '0.0135 0.1624 0.0', '0 0 0', 1, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimFOV*2); } return; end
Eventually all of the weapons for Rogue Squadron CTF 2.0 will be C/S, but I have to debug this first.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance