This is the first time I have made a cutscene for a level where I give the player a saber. I followed what the tutorial said to do about setting the right camera view at the end of the cutscene. For some reason it changes the camera view every time (if you are in 1st person before the cutscene you are in 3rd after it and vice versa). What's wrong?
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more.
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
symbols surface switch message activated thing cam thing cam2 thing cam3 thing door thing enemy1 thing enemy2 thing enemy3 thing pos desc=generator_ghost template enemyTpl desc=enemy_to_generate thing player local sound snd1 int done=0 local flex cspeed=5.0 int Player local int check local int enemy local end code activated: if (done == 0) { check = GetSenderRef(); if (check == switch) { Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); StopThing(Player); Print("The hangar doors are now open."); SetCameraFocus(0, cam); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(2.0); MoveToFrame(cam, 1, cspeed); Sleep(2.0); enemy = CreateThing(enemyTpl, pos); AISetMoveSpeed(enemy2, 1); AISetLookFrame(enemy2, 1); AISetMoveFrame(enemy2, 1); Print("Don't move scum!"); Sleep(2.0); MoveToFrame(cam, 2, cspeed); Sleep(1.0); Print("I don't know who you are, but you aren't getting out of here."); Sleep(6.0); PlaySoundLocal(snd1, 1, 0, 132); Sleep(1.0); PlaySoundLocal(snd1, 1, 0, 132); Sleep(1.0); PlaySoundLocal(snd1, 1, 0, 132); Sleep(1.0); Print("What's that?"); Sleep(3.0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam2); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(2.0); Print("An Imperial Star Destroyer just entered the sector!"); Sleep(2.0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(3.0); Print("They're launching fighters and landing craft."); Sleep(2.0); Print("Scramble the fighters. Prepare to repel boarding parties."); Sleep(4.0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam3); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(1.0); Print("Great, stuck between the pirates and the Imps!"); Sleep(2.0); Print("Maybe I can get back to my ship and get away in the confusion."); Sleep(3.0); SetCameraFocus(0, jkGetLocalPlayer()); If (jkGetSaberCam() == 1) { CycleCamera(); } DestroyThing(cam); // unfreeze Kyle and enemies ClearActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); AIClearMode(enemy1, 0x2000); AISetMode(enemy1, 0x200); AIClearMode(enemy2, 0x2000); AISetMode(enemy2, 0x200); AIClearMode(enemy3, 0x2000); AISetMode(enemy3, 0x200); done = 1; } } return; end
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more.
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association
Have Lightsaber Will Travel JK Editing tips, troubleshooting information, resources and more. For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association For all your Star Wars Galaxies needs
The Massassi A SW Galaxies Player Association