symbols thing player local thing door thing ghost int randsky local material box=stroombox.mat local message activated message trigger end code activated: door == GetSenderRef(); player == GetSourceRef(); SendTrigger(-1, 56789123, player, 0, 0, 0); TeleportThing(player,ghost); Return; trigger: if(GetSourceRef() == 56789123) { randsky == (Rand()*10); If(randsky > 5) {randsky == (randsky - 5);} SetMaterialCel(box,randsky); } Return; end
When activated, this is sposed to change a material to a random cell between 1 and 5. but it wont change the cell
Whats wrong? Oh, you can ignore the teleport stuff, that works fine..
[This message has been edited by Shred18 (edited February 01, 2002).]