Okay, so i made a controllable vehicle cog(s)... in SP it works just fine, but when another player joins, it's messed up... it's Client/Server...
Server side cog:
Client side:
No it's not for a project, just something made because of boredom... if you find them usefull, use them... if you use them credit me...
As you know, walkstructures can't be moved with applyforce();, so i attached thing pad with thing pattach, which is invisible throwable object without collide box.
Anyway, if someone finds what's wrong, tell me... thank you...
Life is like... skating... yeah, skating is a good example. You see someone skating and think "Hey, that looks like fun and easy!". You go and buy a skateboard and try, you get a few broken bones, asphalt-face and stuff... But hey, i'm not the one who gets hurt!
Server side cog:
symbols thing player local int act=0 local int padID message startup message activated message pulse message killed end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SendTrigger(-1, 120 + padID, player, 0, 0, 0); Return; activated: if(act == 0) { SendTrigger(-1, 130 + padID, player, 0, 0, 0); SetPulse(0.05); act = 1; } else if(act == 1) { SetPulse(0.0); SendTrigger(-1, 140 + padID, player, 0, 0, 0); act = 0; } Return; killed: if(player == GetSenderRef()) { SendTrigger(-1, 140 + padID, player, 0, 0, 0); } Return; pulse: SendTrigger(-1, 150 + padID, player, 0, 0, 0); Return; end
Client side:
flags=0x240 symbols thing pattach thing pad thing player local template lookt=+ghost template smoke=+twinkle vector look local int lookie local vector lookv local int act=0 local int padID message trigger end # ======================================================================================== code trigger: if( (GetSourceRef() == 120 + padID)) { AttachThingToThingEx(pad, pattach, 0x8); } else if( (GetSourceRef() == 130 + padID)) { AttachThingToThingEx(GetParam(0), pattach, 0x8); SetThingPos(GetParam(0), VectorAdd(GetThingPos(pad), '0.0 0.0 0.03')); } else if( (GetSourceRef() == 140 + padID)) { SetThingPos(GetParam(0), VectorAdd(GetThingPos(pad), '0.0 0.0 0.04')); DetachThing(GetParam(0)); StopThing(pattach); StopThing(GetParam(0)); } else if( (GetSourceRef() == 150 + padID)) { lookie = FireProjectile(GetParam(0), lookt, -1, -1, '0.0 0.0 0.0', '0 0 0', 1, 0x20, -1, -1); CreateThing(smoke, pattach); lookv = GetThingLVec(GetParam(0)); SetThingLook(pad, lookv); SetThingLook(pattach, GetThingLVec(GetParam(0))); ApplyForce(pattach, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(lookie), 30)); DestroyThing(lookie); } return; end
No it's not for a project, just something made because of boredom... if you find them usefull, use them... if you use them credit me...
As you know, walkstructures can't be moved with applyforce();, so i attached thing pad with thing pattach, which is invisible throwable object without collide box.
Anyway, if someone finds what's wrong, tell me... thank you...
Life is like... skating... yeah, skating is a good example. You see someone skating and think "Hey, that looks like fun and easy!". You go and buy a skateboard and try, you get a few broken bones, asphalt-face and stuff... But hey, i'm not the one who gets hurt!
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.