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ForumsCog Forum → can you.....
can you.....
2002-02-08, 2:03 PM #1
can you make a water level move when glass is broken.
Guard:where do you think your going.
Miner:just leve me alone its been a long day.
Guard:its about to get a little longer.
Miner:just let me go or else.
guard:you threatning me!
Miner:threten this!

Red Faction
2002-02-08, 5:20 PM #2
I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.
2002-02-08, 5:50 PM #3
how []

There is no try there is only do or do not.
Duff, donuts, duff, donuts, desicions!
2002-02-08, 6:03 PM #4
Its very hard. Ive tried figuring out the water cogs that are in LEC SP Level 4 i think, and boy, there confusing. This trigers that which trigers this which needs that to trigger AHHHHHHH *goes crazy*
2002-02-08, 6:22 PM #5
Getting a realistic 'moving water' is tricky. You need multiple sectors, and a good water 3d0 to simulate the surface. As the 3d0 moves, the sectors it passes through are flagged as water, and an appropriet tint/sound is added.

But triggering it via glass is easy. Just add your glass code to your water cog. After the glass sequence, run through the water script.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-02-08, 7:13 PM #6
yeah, i was gonna say that, but I wanted him to ask how first, and i forgot about this thread after that []
I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.

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