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2001-10-29, 4:55 PM #1
Somethin hard! I'm getting bored with my vehicle cog and geo-mod using sectors! Or give me a jed utility idea to program! im boooorrrrreeeeedddd!
2001-10-29, 5:27 PM #2
Cog 360 degree full range of motion flight. []
-Hell Raiser
2001-10-29, 6:14 PM #3
Make a rear view mirroe cog, so the first perosn view can see behind them, on a little squar on the to of screen.
2001-10-29, 6:24 PM #4
He said hard, no impossible...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-10-29, 8:01 PM #5
Umm...that's not impossible at all GBK (if you were referring to the rear view mirror thing) only you couldn't have it in a little box. You would need a hotkey set so whenever you pressed it you could look behind you...that would be pretty easy I think...
Save a tree, Kill a beaver!
2001-10-29, 8:12 PM #6
How about a c/s door cog that will only open for a player if that player has died at least 10 times in a multiplayer game?
2001-10-30, 1:15 AM #7
I think that's what he meant.
2001-10-30, 2:16 AM #8
Try these and 1 from me.

Cog Quiz -

This one's slightly included in the quiz above, but if you can make a clock with 3do that all the arms move as it should, it will look pretty.

------------------ - Millennium
2001-10-30, 4:47 AM #9
ya lol, please keep the challanges inside JK's engine limits. it is 100% impossible to make a rear view mirror like that (in a little window in the corner of the screen) but it is extremely easy to make a hotkey to turn your head around and glance back behind you. cog challanges ive set for myself and succeeded are my jeep cog (fully drivable), my turret cog (fully aimable - turret actually swings where u look), a master AI cog that controlled an entire army of 100 stormtroopers, my allied AI cog that has several options which make the AI follow you and shoot other imperials (or pirates, whichever you select in the options), destroyable architecture (geo-mod) using sectors - fully automatic, add the cog (nothing to define), and flag any geo-mod sectors to 0x3000 (an unused flag), lets see now. im making a chopper cog now, but anyway, that clock thing i can do. probably a vectorscale and a setthinglook type of deal, just like my turret and jeep. uh oh, i got to go for work, ill come back this afternoon and make these challanges
2001-10-30, 6:35 AM #10
Make laser trip mines that work in multiplayer and can have more than 1 placed at a time. I've been trying to do that for like 6 months with no luck.
2001-10-30, 9:16 AM #11
wave, this should work, havent tested it or anything, just typed it into this box:

message created
message timer
template explosion=+raildet_exp local
sound beeps=schargecountdown02.wav local
SetTimerEx(2.0, GetSenderRef(), 3, 0);
mine = GetSenderId();
if(GetParam(0) == 3) { SetTimerEx(0.025, mine, 2, 0); return; }
if(GetParam(0) == 2) { CreateThing(explosion, mine); DestroyThing(mine); return; }
potential = -1;
potential = FirstThingInView(mine, 29, 1, 0x404); // flip flop the 29 and 1 if the mine blows up instantly
if((!HasLOS(mine, potential)) || (!potential)) { SetTimerEx(0.025, mine, 1, 0); return; }
PlaySoundThing(beeps, mine, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80);
SetTimerEx(0.025, mine, 2, 0);
2001-10-30, 12:13 PM #12
someone could use a good dose of humble pie []
2001-10-30, 12:50 PM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Strike1337:
ya lol, please keep the challanges inside JK's engine limits. it is 100% impossible to make a rear view mirror like that (in a little window in the corner of the screen) but it is extremely easy to make a hotkey to turn your head around and glance back behind you. cog challanges ive set for myself and succeeded are my jeep cog (fully drivable), my turret cog (fully aimable - turret actually swings where u look), a master AI cog that controlled an entire army of 100 stormtroopers, my allied AI cog that has several options which make the AI follow you and shoot other imperials (or pirates, whichever you select in the options), destroyable architecture (geo-mod) using sectors - fully automatic, add the cog (nothing to define), and flag any geo-mod sectors to 0x3000 (an unused flag), lets see now. im making a chopper cog now, but anyway, that clock thing i can do. probably a vectorscale and a setthinglook type of deal, just like my turret and jeep. uh oh, i got to go for work, ill come back this afternoon and make these challanges</font>



Can I plz... erm... borrow... the master AI, Allied AI, and GeoMod cogs for my level (Escape from Brehensikov)?

Hmmm... how about this, a sniper who fires at one of some 20 random things, with a sleep 5 and reload sound between each shot. If the player is seen, the enemy then turns into a regular enemy and tries to shoot at the player. If an ally is seen, the sniper als tries to fire at it, TAKING PRIORITY AT THE ALLY.


Lord Tiberius Grismath
Head Administrator
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2001-10-30, 2:20 PM #14
Strike, that's not what wave meant.
That's just going to blow up the thing in a few sec or even if it works as you intend, it doesn't work the way he wants at all.

How about you make a real mod and see how hard it is to make a really working thing?

That can probably take the time you want to waste on quizzes []

------------------ - Millennium
2001-10-30, 2:22 PM #15
ok griz, gimme a couple mins
2001-10-30, 2:43 PM #16
Where to get a demo of the geomod?
2001-10-30, 2:52 PM #17
sorry, i havent made a public release of the geo mod demo yet. its a brand new cog technology and like most, it has its minor glitches
2001-10-30, 3:18 PM #18
gah, mom stopped me while making it to do homework *rolls eyes* ill have to get that cog done another time griz. if you really need it youll probably have to email me so i remember
2001-10-30, 5:30 PM #19
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">ya lol, please keep the challanges inside JK's engine limits. it is 100% impossible to
make a rear view mirror like that (in a little window in the corner of the screen) but it
is extremely easy to make a hotkey to turn your head around and glance back
behind you. cog challanges ive set for myself and succeeded are my jeep cog (fully
drivable), my turret cog (fully aimable - turret actually swings where u look), a
master AI cog that controlled an entire army of 100 stormtroopers, my allied AI cog
that has several options which make the AI follow you and shoot other imperials (or
pirates, whichever you select in the options), destroyable architecture (geo-mod)
using sectors - fully automatic, add the cog (nothing to define), and flag any
geo-mod sectors to 0x3000 (an unused flag), lets see now. im making a chopper cog
now, but anyway, that clock thing i can do. probably a vectorscale and a
setthinglook type of deal, just like my turret and jeep. uh oh, i got to go for work, ill
come back this afternoon and make these challanges</font>

I really hate to burst your bubble, but most of those things arn't really that hard.
2001-10-31, 12:43 AM #20
And we also know how much you want to let people know you're 1 great cogger. []

(Which I'm already getting used to...)

------------------ - Millennium

[This message has been edited by Hideki (edited October 31, 2001).]
2001-10-31, 9:16 AM #21
Sorry if I sound like I'm trying to make myself out to be the best, I realised JK isnt going to be popular for a real long time and want my skills to be put to their fullest. I have to sort of brag to get people to know I'm for real, so they can preview my skills, so to speak. I just don't want to believe I've learned COG for the past 2 years for it to go to waste.

BTW Seifer, I know those cogs arent difficult. I am waiting for someone to give me a really good idea because I suck at ideas. Also, I want to see if I am or am not the first to make a drivable vehicle. If anyone has made one that doesnt change your model, but you literally drive the 3do (and NOT on a set path) and it was made before 4/10/01 then forgive me for claiming I was the first.
2001-10-31, 9:36 AM #22
(1) you shouldn't brag on yourself to prove that you're for real... your work will speak for itself.

(2) Plenty of people have worked on driveable vehicles (myself included). I have yet to see any be released that didn't just change the player model (although Swoop has gone gold now) but then I had been out of the JK editing scene for awhile. I myself had made a driveable AT-ST back during the days of Manowars 2, but it had some problems in MP, so i never released it.
2001-10-31, 11:05 AM #23
OK Strike make this: Once a Player Walks into a Sector And press's a Console He will respawn at that point each time he dies.

(its to make Checkpoints in a Co-OP level)

Project: MP CO-OP Level
"Consider this and you will find that i am right." - Jesus Christ
"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in aring his own opinions."
"Listen to advice and accept instruction,
and in the end you will be wise."
2001-10-31, 12:57 PM #24
ZDawg, that's incredibly easy...just teleport the walkplayer to another's like a teleport cog but on a level thing instead of the player..

Seifer, nothing is hard for you. Or should I say your arrogance? Your a nice guy but sometimes I think you jump to conclusions too much.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2001-10-31, 12:59 PM #25
Also, there already is a geo-mod test. Yours will NOT be new COG technology, since that cannot be done without editing the executable of JK (modifing the engine). You can never make JK act anything like Red Faction, so stop trying. It's not gonna make you famous.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2001-10-31, 1:10 PM #26
Swoop doesn't use a vehicle code. We changed the player model and added a bit to the code to allow some more freedom. I think you'll be rather disappointed if you're expecting breakthrough technology.
2001-10-31, 1:20 PM #27
I wasn't too sure about Swoop on whether you just changed the model or did an actual driveable vehicle, so I mentioned it just in case. I have worked on a driveable vehicle before and it worked in SP... just had some bugs in MP (which is really what I wanted to use it for) so it never got released.
2001-10-31, 4:11 PM #28
Ok, maybe whoever said there is already geo-mod tests didnt understand the part where I specifically said USING SECTORS. NOT things/templates/3dos or whatever you want to call them, but actual sectors whose adjoined surfaces are set +GEO 4 to look solid, and when shot, they go back to +GEO 0 (with other effects like debris and sounds). Apparently you arent either an editor, or didn't notice when I said using sectors. You simply cleave the hell out of a wall sector, and set all the geo-mod sector flags to 0x3000 and the cog goes through all the level sectors and does its stuff. About the drivable vehicle thing, Im sure some don't understand that either - Swoop used a simple method that changed the skin/model of the player. 1 3/4 years ago my first mod was a drivable AT-ST - very very simple, just replace much of the stuff from the atst template into the walkplayer template. Still, that uses a model change. This method you jump on a car 3do. A thrust is applied to this car 3do. The car 3do moves. If you are on the car 3do, you move too - what a surprise, its like a real car! No set paths, no cheesy *** model changes. Its not very difficult, but turning the idea into reality, then reality from a piece of crap to something actually be proud of took some work. But anyway, yes, I'm fully and totally well aware of the previous attempts in history to accomplish this, I was just curious if the actual method of a SEPERATE car 3do had ever been completed successfuly. Like an elevator, but you can take the elevator wherever the hell you want since theres no paths. Full physics and damage. K maybe Im bragging now, Ill shut up (maybe Im not, you guys will decide whether its intended to be or not)
2001-10-31, 5:33 PM #29
ad Strike, you been braggin since you made my leet changeable gym cog :P

good to see ya
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2001-10-31, 5:51 PM #30
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">You simply cleave the hell out of a wall sector</font>

.. and therein lies the major problem: the fact that you are rapidly "creating" adjoins, and if the level has any kind of complexity at all, you'll reach the adjoin limit and HOM; in addition to plummeting framerates..

Good job on thinking up a highly out-of-the-box idea; I just don't think it can be implemented effectively without coming across as a "gimmick feature"..
2001-10-31, 6:12 PM #31
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">BTW Seifer, I know those cogs arent difficult. I am waiting for someone to give me a really good idea
because I suck at ideas. Also, I want to see if I am or am not the first to make a drivable vehicle. If
anyone has made one that doesnt change your model, but you literally drive the 3do (and NOT on a set
path) and it was made before 4/10/01 then forgive me for claiming I was the first.</font>

Sorry to let you know , but your wern't the first, I for one , ( i don't know if any others made something silmar before me ) created it a long time a go months and months ago ... and yes it doesn't cahnge the players model like some of the cheap tatics people use ...

It is fully drivable , if you don't belive me , then wait until MJR finishes the car 3do hes making for me , then I may release it for public viewing .... ahh that cars going to be cool !

Emon - I try not to be arrgoent or make it look like i've got a huge ego, but it's just the only way to really explain to others, quickly about all our work and experince in cog.
2001-10-31, 6:59 PM #32
Thats part of the problem, it all sounds like boasting because neither of the projects Strike and Seifer are talking about with drivable 3do's are complete.

These guys are talking about 'invention' dates like 4/10/01 (btw: European dd/mm/yy format or American mm/dd/yy format?). It seems to me if you want credit for your work it must be published. There's a saying which many intellectual, scientific, industrial, business circles consider unwritten law:

"If it is not documented, it did not happen."

Nobody doubts that both Seifer and Strike are skilled cog writers, but it would be amusing if someone else designed and released a drivable car level/mod first.
- Wisdom is 99% experience, 1% knowledge. -
2001-11-01, 12:06 AM #33
It's called Swoop! []

Lord Tiberius Grismath
Head Administrator
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2001-11-01, 4:55 AM #34
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
It's called Swoop! []

As previosly stated, swoop pulls a cheap tactic - it changes the player model. No less interesting, but less complex than a independant vehicle 3d0.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-01, 6:56 AM #35
glad you brought up that, because my project leader of JP:E wants to release a demo level of the jeep to the public very soon. In fact we are waiting on the level editor, who is waiting for me to get my lazy butt going and make more low surface/poly count plants =)

Our jeep is complete and has been for 2 months now. From then until 1 month ago I was adding special features and bug fixes. So its been FULLY complete for a month now.

Also, I use american dates, so my 1.0a was completed in 4/10/01 (mm/dd/yy)
Hehe, I got the idea and concept during a study hall at school so I wrote the whole thing on my Zaurus (pocketPC thing) and downloaded it to my comp when I got home. My first vehicle used to test it was a little bathtub I made hehe. It was originally going to be for the drivable golf carts in BAH HeadQuarters, and you could put stuff in the back, like explosives that you can push around, or even an entire beer dispencer machine. Never did complete that level. The next vehicle I made for it was a tank that you go inside and shoot out of the viewholes, there was even a working tank turret! COGwise that wasnt impressive, but in the game, that was pretty fun going around the level blowing crap up with the tank (I used a modified xtank cog in the _structure template so every thing in the level was destroyable)
2001-11-01, 7:08 AM #36
Hrmph... Make a cog like i did, that requires two players to control and shoot with a tank:
player #1: controlling the tank
player #2: controlling the turret/shooting


Guns don't kill people. Kids who play computer games do.
[edit: Visit Cave_Demon's site: ! -stat]
[This message has been hacked by StaticX (edited September 11, 2001).]
2001-11-01, 7:13 AM #37
no, one of the features of the tank i didnt mention was the mounted machine gun on the top that can be controlled by another player. Theres more, like activate the console in the back and it lays mines, theres a mini escape humvee (hehe looks really cute cuz its tiny)
2001-11-01, 10:55 AM #38
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Strike1337:
... destroyable architecture (geo-mod) using sectors - fully automatic, add the cog (nothing to define), and flag any geo-mod sectors to 0x3000 (an unused flag)</font>

You didnt happen to use something like this, did you?


If(Getsectorflags(Getsurfacesector(Getsurfaceadjoin(Getsenderref()))) == 0x3000)

Thats what I based my 'geo mod' off of. Although Im still having trouble with the automatic functions...

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2001-11-01, 12:02 PM #39 can't use architecture for a "geo-mod" because it would exponentially decrease your framerate. JK is a 4 year old game, and lots of people think they are making it as good as a brand new engine by some cheap little geo-mod crap that looks like **** and runs like ****.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2001-11-01, 12:35 PM #40
...Not to mention that a cog that would recieve damage messages from EVRY surface in a level would be thousands upon thousands of lines long. (As far as I know), There is no way to address surfaces any other way, you need to define evry single one. Geo-mods are a good idea, but JK just cant handle it.

Success is the inverse relationship between effort, gain, and loss.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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