I just had an idea for creating two weapons on one key in JK. I haven't tested it, and I don't have a big enough project going to bother. Here's the idea:
In the items.dat we change, let's say, weap_saber.cog to weap_toggle.cog, then do this in weap_toggle.cog:
Back in the items.dat, we add two new bins, each flagged as a weapon, with their respective filenames. Like so:
Then, in each weapon's cog, we place User0 right over Selected, like so:
And there you have it!...in theory anyways. If anyone wants to try it out, be my guest.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
In the items.dat we change, let's say, weap_saber.cog to weap_toggle.cog, then do this in weap_toggle.cog:
selected: if(selection = 0) { SendMessage(user0, weapon_A); selection = 1; Return; } Else { SendMessage(user0, weapon_B selection = 2; Return; }
Back in the items.dat, we add two new bins, each flagged as a weapon, with their respective filenames. Like so:
lightsaber 10 0 1 0x0a4 cog=weap_toggle.cog lightsaber2 85 0 1 0x0a4 cog=weap_saber.cog lightstaff 86 0 1 0x0a4 cog=weap_staff.cog
Then, in each weapon's cog, we place User0 right over Selected, like so:
User0: selected: assign = GetSenderRef(); jkPrintUNIString(player, 10);
And there you have it!...in theory anyways. If anyone wants to try it out, be my guest.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance