The following cog works if the mutator template is set to crossbow. But if I change it to crate6_2, nothing appears...
symbols template mutator=crossbow local template wpl=walkplayer local thing mutatoron local thing mutator0 local thing mutator1 local thing mutator2 local thing mutator3 local thing mutator4 local thing mutator5 local thing mutator6 local thing mutator7 local thing mutator8 local thing mutator9 local model off=mutator0.3do local model on=mutator1.3do local int thingcount local int nummutators local int random local int firsttime local message loading message timer message pulse end # ======================================================================================== code loading: if(!IsServer()) Return; firsttime = 1; nummutators = 0; SetTimerEx(5, 111, -1, -1); Return; timer: // Initialization if(GetSenderId() == 111) { thingcount = GetThingCount(); for(i = 0; i < thingcount; i = i + 1) { if((GetThingTemplate(i) == wpl) && (nummutators < 10)) { mutator0[nummutators] = CreateThing(mutator, i); nummutators = nummutators + 1; } } } SetPulse(10); Return; pulse: //if only one player return jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("Random Mutation"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); if(firsttime == 1) { firsttime = 0; } else { SetThingModel(mutatoron, off); } random = Rand() * nummutators; mutatoron = mutator0[random]; SetThingModel(mutatoron, on); Return; end
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