here it is (the random mutation works fine, but the killing mutation does not work at all):
symbols thing mutant local thing victim local thing killer local thing kill local sound catch=21forceabsorb1.wav local sound release=forceabsorb02.wav local model oldmodel local model mutantskin=kyA17.3do local int random local int numplayers local int score local message loading message pulse message trigger message killed end # ======================================================================================== code loading: if(!IsServer()) Return; mutant = -1; SetPulse(10); Return; pulse: numplayers = GetNumPlayers(); if(numplayers < 2) { jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("You are alone"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); Return; } jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("Timed Mutation"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); random = Rand() * (numplayers - 1); victim = GetPlayerThing(random); if(victim == mutant) victim = GetPlayerThing(random + 1); SendTrigger(-1, 112, mutant, victim, -1, -1); Return; trigger: if(GetSourceRef() == 112) { SetPulse(0); mutant = GetParam(0); victim = GetParam(1); SetThingModel(mutant, oldmodel); PlaySoundThing(release, mutant, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); oldmodel = GetThingModel(victim); SetThingModel(victim, mutantskin); PlaySoundThing(catch, victim, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); mutant = victim; SetPulse(60); } Return; killed: victim = GetSenderRef(); kill = GetSourceRef(); killer = GetThingParent(kill); if(victim == killer) Return; if(killer == mutant) { jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("Mutation due to kill"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); SendTrigger(-1, 112, mutant, victim, -1, -1); } else if(victim == mutant) { jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("Mutant got killed"); jkStringOutput(-3, -1); score = GetPlayerScore(killer); score = score + 5; SetPlayerScore(killer, score); } Return; end
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)