OK, you probably know this already, I'm just figuring this out.
If you are creating a thing, like an elevator, at a vector position then that vector position is equivalent to frame 0. To get the next pseudo-frame modify your vector value to a new vector value that corresponds to frame 1.
Checking JKSpecs, Can you use:
VectorAdd(vector,vector); returns the sum of the two vectors.
For example vector0 is the position you created the thing at. Then ...
Then move thing to that position. But how? Will CaveDemon's idea work using pulsed SetThingPos(); ?
Or you can take apart vector values and then make new vectors using:
Xflex = VectorX(vector); // Gets the "X" part of a vector
Yflex = VectorY(vector); // Gets the "Y" part of a vector
Zflex = VectorZ(vector); // Gets the "Z" part of a vector
newvector = VectorSet(Xflex,Yflex,Zflex); //returns a vector
Why don't you want to use keyframes, such as was done for the shuttle lifting off?
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Sylvicolus JK homepage
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton