the problem has nothing to do with the multicelled mat. But anyway:
A multicelled mat is easy to create. Fire up matmaster, load any switch material, extract it to .mtm/.bmp, delete the .bmps. Now take your own switch, convert it to .bmp. This is the first cel of your multicelled mat. Call it exactly like the first .bmp you just deleted. Then load this .bmp in an Image Editor (Paintshop, whatever) and create the second cel (it should look like the first cel, but should have some "activated" feeling, maybe you want to look at the .bmps you deleted before). Call that .bmp like the second one you deleted before. Now make sure you have the two new .bmps and the .mtm in the same folder and go back to matmaster. There, you choose open and select the .mtm (you might have to change the dropdown list to "show .mtm"). Convert it to .mat and save it anywhere. Rename it, and there you have your multicelled switch.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides cherokee)
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)