The question first:
Does anyone know if it's possible to use ParseArg to change a .pup?
The idea:
Say you wanna make more than ten weapons. Say you wanna be able to access all of them from the ten hotkeys. Does anybody think it's a good idea to write a cog, flag it in items.dat like it's a weapon, and then use it as a 'gateway' of sorts? Like have all the messages of a weapon, tie it to x(a random number) actual weapon cogs, then use SendMessageEx to call the actual weapon cogs and some other hotkey to cycle through the weapons on that one hotkey. If this makes no sense, it's probably my fault, sorry.
Christianity: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Why should the devil have all the good music?
Does anyone know if it's possible to use ParseArg to change a .pup?
The idea:
Say you wanna make more than ten weapons. Say you wanna be able to access all of them from the ten hotkeys. Does anybody think it's a good idea to write a cog, flag it in items.dat like it's a weapon, and then use it as a 'gateway' of sorts? Like have all the messages of a weapon, tie it to x(a random number) actual weapon cogs, then use SendMessageEx to call the actual weapon cogs and some other hotkey to cycle through the weapons on that one hotkey. If this makes no sense, it's probably my fault, sorry.
Christianity: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Why should the devil have all the good music?
Cynic (sin'ik) n. One of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who held that virtue is the ultimate goal of life, their doctrine gradually coming to symbolize insolent self-righteousness.
Drink So-Be, and play longer!
Drink So-Be, and play longer!