Is it possible to make powerups so that you have to activate 'em to pick the buggers up? I've been trying for the past few weeks, and have come to the conclusion that my cog is fine, therefore, I will assume it's the templates. Or, I will assume that it's impossible and life is one big exercise in futility. Haven't decided which yet. Of course, I'm probably wrong.
Thoughts, suggestions?
Christianity: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Why should the devil have all the good music?
Thoughts, suggestions?
Christianity: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Why should the devil have all the good music?
Cynic (sin'ik) n. One of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who held that virtue is the ultimate goal of life, their doctrine gradually coming to symbolize insolent self-righteousness.
Drink So-Be, and play longer!
Drink So-Be, and play longer!