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ForumsCog Forum → Random terrain, with the RVTCS.
Random terrain, with the RVTCS.
2002-07-15, 6:51 PM #1
I wrote a version of the TVTCS for Friend14, to use in his Endor level. I called it the RVTCS, or "Ranged Vector Thing Creation System"... It creates/destroyes things based on their distance from the player.

I knew when I wrote it that it was only really useful for outdoor terrain. However, I recently discovered another use for it - random in-game-generated terrain.

Heres how it works: you have a level, which is basically a big box. You create 10 or so "ground" 3d0s, which need to be similar enough that any 2 can be placed side-by side and the textures align... When the level loads, the cog picks a random model for each piece of ground. Now, it keeps that model, and uses it everytime it recreates the object. So, if you leave an area, and come back, it will be the same. But, if you quit the level, and restart, that area WONT be the same...

Ive already written a early version of the cog, and it works like a charm. It has all the nifty debugging features of the TVTCS, with a few new ones, like FCODD, or "Foreign Cog Object Deletion Detection", which occurs when another cog (one not of the system, and problably not written by me), deletes one of the ground 3d0s accidentally. It automatically recovers from such errors. []

If anyone is interested in this cog, or 3d0 based terrain in general, please, respond. I am eager for input.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-16, 4:28 AM #2
Oo, oo, oo. Me want. In short and in proper English, can I have the system? []

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-16, 4:54 AM #3
Umm, not yet. Its still in alpha development...

Input! I Need Input!

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-16, 5:02 AM #4
I'll beta, if you beta my saber system, be a few weeks to a few months. I want it!

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-16, 5:54 AM #5
Ok. Ill let you beta, as soon as it gets to beta...

Ive added more features, making it more multi-set friendly (IE, the debugging messages now specify which cog the message originates from)

Each cog handles 25 objects. So, depending on the size of the area you wanted to create, it might take 10 - 50 cogs... (Also depending on the size of the 3d0s... THe larger the 3d0s, the less objects and cogs youll need)


I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-16, 6:39 AM #6
Its a great idea, but I think we already established that. We haven't herd a peep from SaberMaster yet. You should showcase your cogs, TVTCS, RVTCS, or any of other, then you shall get more input, because very few people come to these forums.

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-16, 10:42 AM #7
That'd be pretty boring terrain if all the tiles have to have the same height on all the edges so that they can fit together. I know that there's a way to avoid that restirction, but I can't quite remember it. I'll think about it for a while.
And meanwhile the bus with legs has destroyed half of disneyland . . . and nobody cares!
2002-07-16, 11:09 AM #8
Well, for enormous outdoor areas, variations from one bit of ground to another arent going to be that extreme . . . and that what this system is designed for.

Although, it could be used for anything . . . this is what I have in mind.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-16, 6:14 PM #9
I dont see the point of it GBK []

How will a mapper know where to put trees and stuff on the terrain? Unless you cog a random tree placer which places trees or shrubs (Just general 3dos) on the random generated terrain.

Spose it would be cool if it didnt matter.
Team Battle.
2002-07-16, 6:52 PM #10
The trees/shrubs/other vegetation would have to be part of the ground 3d0s.

The point of it is, a mapper wont have to spend weeks laying out an outdoor area. He/she will simply specify the spawn coords, sectors, templates, and a few other values, and the cog takes care of the rest.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-16, 7:59 PM #11
Ahh, I see.
Team Battle.
2002-07-17, 2:32 PM #12
GBK: yes, I know that variation won't be much, but your system, as it is right now, will only allow for terrain that averages out to be flat. There will be higher parts and lower parts, but it won't have any average slope. Over distances greater than the tile length, your terrain will be considered flat.
And meanwhile the bus with legs has destroyed half of disneyland . . . and nobody cares!
2002-07-17, 3:17 PM #13
Not neccessarily. Considering the max set size is 25 objects, one could build slopes, if the objects are set as such. The PYR is always 0.0.0, so you could create the slope objects to line up. The positions arent random, only the templates.

In short, your argument is flawed. One COULD create slopes with the RVTCS.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-17, 6:16 PM #14
Yes, a slope would be possible, but it's more the fact that whatever slope you have would be constant, or there would be strange seams between tiles.
And meanwhile the bus with legs has destroyed half of disneyland . . . and nobody cares!
2002-07-17, 6:46 PM #15
Actully, no. As long as the tiles are prepared properly that shouldnt be a problem.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-17, 6:48 PM #16
I would definately be interested in this system, though I agree that slopes wouldn't be much fun with it. You could always make the slopes static, but then you'd have a basic similarity no matter what. Not that that would be really horrible. I don't know. It's still an incredible idea.

Christianity: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.

Why should the devil have all the good music?
Cynic (sin'ik) n. One of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who held that virtue is the ultimate goal of life, their doctrine gradually coming to symbolize insolent self-righteousness.

Drink So-Be, and play longer!
2002-07-18, 12:32 AM #17
I don't think it would be the best idea to post the TVTCS or RVTCS... *gets out notepad and puts fingers on CTRL-C*

Excellent work, and if you need any assistance or will give any, just say so.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2002-07-18, 5:20 AM #18
I wont be posting it anytime soon...

If you had read my poll on TACC, like you were suppose to, you would see why. Click here.

Thanks for the comments, guys, keep em coming...

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-18, 2:49 PM #19
The system sounds great, GBK. Though I'm wondering about the appearance of the random objects. If you base it on distance from the player, the player might see the thing suddenly appear. Could you use a pulse to check if the spot is in the player's LOS?

Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
Visit Saber's Domain.

[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited July 18, 2002).]
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-07-18, 2:52 PM #20
If theres LOS, then the player won't see the object. Then when he turns, because theres no LOS, the object suddenly appears when you turn back around. Weird huh?

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited July 18, 2002).]
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-18, 2:55 PM #21
GBK man that is the lamest reason in my opinion. You said I should release the custom POV system when I had it made and not to wait till Team Battle is out cause thats not right. I doubt the newbies would even use it espicially since the JK editing community is so small.

*Shrug* maybe it a different case here... []
Team Battle.
2002-07-18, 4:15 PM #22
You have a point, and one I considered. Thats why I decided to release the system as needed. If an editor wants to use the system in their level, they simply request it, and provide some proof that the level could actully benifit from the system.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-18, 4:57 PM #23
So now I have to provide some proof? You know me, I'd never ask for something I wouldn't use.

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-19, 11:40 AM #24
Ooh, Hellcat, you've just earned Kedri a nickel, or at least half of one.


[This message has been edited by Lord_Grismath (edited July 19, 2002).]
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2002-07-19, 12:20 PM #25
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">If theres LOS, then the player won't see the object. Then when he turns, because theres no LOS, the object suddenly appears when you turn back around. Weird huh?</font>

It may be me, but that makes no sense. []

Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
Visit Saber's Domain.
Author of the JK DataMaster, Parsec, Scribe, and the EditPlus Cog Files.
2002-07-19, 3:49 PM #26
SM - The system is designed for large outdoor areas, prefferably with some sort of fog (a 2 layered 3d0 dome around the player, textured with a white translucent material). The player will never see the objects appearing/dissappearing...

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-07-19, 4:04 PM #27
GBK does have a point. SaberMaster, let me rephrase it. ...The object suddenly appears, then when you turn back around, you can see it.
There, it that better.

GBK, your fog system won't work, if the 3do is big enough to fit around the 3rd person cam, but once an enemy gets inside the shpere, the effect is ruined, because he's blurry up to the inside. If you follow what I'm saying.

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2002-07-19, 4:17 PM #28
For one, it isnt my system. AFAIK, it was first pioneered by Friend14. And two, the dome is huge. Some-odd 4 JKUs in diameter.

I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.

JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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