You have an extra code block in there, Mischa. It should be something like:
The if statement runs the next statement (EG, i=i+1) or code block (EG, { code here })
if the condition (EG, (i<4)) is true. If the condition is false, JK ignores the statement
or block after the if statement.
If there's an else statment following that code and the if statement's condition was
false, JK will run the statement or block after the else; but otherwise, it will
ignore the code after the else.
The problem with the code in your last post was that you had two code blocks after the
else statement.
Pilot, what do you intend this code to do? You're stopping the player from firing four
times before he fires...
As for the DataMaster, the link is in my signature. It's a JK Cog reference written
in HTML. It includes basic and advanced tutorials.
For text editors, there's CogWriter and EditPlus. CogWriter has a convenient syntax
checker, but EditPlus is by far easier to use. I've created some user files for
EditPlus so you can it's autocompletion, syntax highlighting, and cliptext library
features with Cogscript.
Author of the
JK DataMaster,
Parsec, and the
EditPlus Cog Files.
Saber's Domain.
[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited July 14, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited July 19, 2002).]