Here's how I'd do it.
The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
The Magician Saber System.
[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited July 27, 2002).]
Try that. I dunno exactly how you want it to run.# armyo.cog # # Lord_Grismath ( + [DP&SM] symbols message startup message damaged message killed message touched message playeraction thing com0 thing com1 thing com2 thing com3 thing telething thing tghost local vector tempvec local vector tempvec2 local vector motionVector local model tmodel local template ghtemp=ghost local template camera_tpl=+FarSight local template comTemp0 template comTemp1 template comTemp2 template comTemp3 int player local int X=0 local int poss=0 local int comnum=-1 local int camera=-1 local flex thealth=0 local flex tempflex local end #==============================================================# code #------------------------------------------------------ startup: Sleep(1); player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); Print("Generalship Cog Implemented"); call goto_camera; Return; #------------------------------------------------------ damaged: if(GetThingHealth(player) < 1) { SetThingHealth(player, 100); call return_player; poss = 0; ReturnEx(0); } Return; #------------------------------------------------------ playeraction: if(poss) { ReturnEx(0); Return; } if(GetParam(0) == 0) //Jumping { tempflex = 0; // Only allow motion at one speed. i.e. disable running if(GetParam(2) != 0) tempflex = 2.8; motionVector = VectorSet(VectorX(motionVector), tempflex, VectorZ(motionVector)); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 1) // Crouching { tempflex = 0; if(GetParam(2) != 0) tempflex = 2.8; motionVector = VectorSet(VectorX(motionVector), -tempflex, VectorZ(motionVector)); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 2) { // Activation will be allowed, since you're possessing a character. // call stop_power; // ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 3) { // Firing is also allowed // ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 4) // Strafe { motionVector = VectorSet(GetParam(2), VectorY(motionVector), VectorZ(motionVector)); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 5) // Turn { tempvec = GetThingRotVel(camera); tempvec = VectorSet(VectorX(tempvec), GetParam(2), VectorZ(tempvec)); SetThingRotVel(camera, tempvec); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 6) // Fwd / Bkwd Motion { motionVector = VectorSet(VectorX(motionVector), VectorY(motionVector), GetParam(2)); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 8) // Pitch { tempvec = GetThingLVecPYR(camera); tempflex = VectorX(tempvec) + GetParam(1) / 100; // Limit the pitch vector (flipping over doesn't work right...) if(tempflex < -80) tempflex = -80; else if(tempflex > 80) tempflex = 80; tempvec = VectorSet(tempflex, VectorY(tempvec), VectorZ(tempvec)); SetThingLookPYR(camera, tempvec); ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 10) // Select Inventory Item { ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 11) // Select Skill { ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 12) // Use Inventory Item { ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 13) // Use Skill { ReturnEx(0); } else if(GetParam(0) == 14) // Other Actions { if(GetParam(2) == 0) // Cycle Camera { Print("3rd person only...wraa"); ReturnEx(0); // This ReturnEx() is useless. } ReturnEx(1); } else { ReturnEx(0); } // Add up the various velocities. tempvec = GetThingLVec(camera); tempvec = VectorScale(tempvec, VectorZ(motionVector) / 3); tempvec2 = GetThingUVec(camera); tempvec2 = VectorScale(tempvec2, VectorY(motionVector) / 3); tempvec = VectorAdd(tempvec, tempvec2); tempvec2 = GetThingRVec(camera); tempvec2 = VectorScale(tempvec2, VectorX(motionVector) / 3); tempvec = VectorAdd(tempvec, tempvec2); SetThingVel(camera, tempvec); Return; #------------------------------------------------------ goto_camera: Print("Camera Activating..."); motionVector = VectorSet(0, 0, 0); camera = FireProjectile(player, camera_tpl, -1, -1, '0 06 02', '0 0 0', 0, 0, 0, 0); SetThingLook(camera, GetThingLVec(player)); SetCurrentCamera(0); SetCameraFocus(0, camera); TeleportThing(player, telething); StopThing(player); SetActionCog(GetSelfCog(), 0x7FFFFFFF); poss = 0; Print("Camera Activated"); Return; #------------------------------------------------------ killed: if(GetSenderRef() != player) Return; return_player: if(poss == 1) { tghost = CreateThing(ghtemp, player); tmodel = GetThingModel(player); thealth = GetThingHealth(player); TeleportThing(player, telething); com0[comnum] = CreateThing(comTemp0[comnum], tghost); SetThingHealth(com0[comnum], thealth); Call stop_camera; } Return; stop_camera; SetCameraFocus(0, player) SetCurrentCamera(1); DestroyThing(camera); SetActionCog(-1, 0); Return; #------------------------------------------------------ touched: for(X = 0; X < 4; X = X + 1) { if(GetSenderRef() == com0[X]) { if(GetThingHealth(com0[X]) > 0) { tmodel = GetThingModel(com0[X]); thealth = GetThingHealth(com0[X]); SetThingModel(player, tmodel); SetThingHealth(player, thealth); TeleportThing(player, com0[X]); DestroyThing(com0[X]); poss = 1; comnum = X; call stop_camera; } } } Return; #------------------------------------------------------ end
The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions
The Magician Saber System.
[This message has been edited by Descent_pilot (edited July 27, 2002).]
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms
Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms
Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack