im having a hard time getting my objectives to work, i set up the cogstrings.uni file correctly, and the cog looks right to me, because for the first objective, the cog is set so the SetGoalFlags is set to (player, 0, 1) and from what i understand, the 0 is the # of the objective, and the 1 means that it will be shown without haing to complete another objective. heres what the cog looks like...
...but the problem is that i cant see the objective until after i complete it. plus the cog plays continuously. how do i set the cog so it only plays once, and so that it will show the objective right away?
[This message has been edited by finity5 (edited August 02, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited August 03, 2002).]
symbols sound keysound=Accomplish1.WAV thing player sector sector message entered end code entered: PlaySoundLocal(keysound, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetGoalFlags(player, 0, 1); jkPrintUNIString(player, 350); jkPrintUNIString(player, 802); Sleep(8.0); Return; end
...but the problem is that i cant see the objective until after i complete it. plus the cog plays continuously. how do i set the cog so it only plays once, and so that it will show the objective right away?
[This message has been edited by finity5 (edited August 02, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by SaberMaster (edited August 03, 2002).]