ok, i added a bit to my cutscene cog so that the actor kyle would run to a ghost position and stop. the problem is that when he gets to the ghost position, he doesnt stop, he just keeps running all over the place like a mad man. heres the cog...
is there something wrong with it? or do i just need to add something to make him stop at the ghost position?
Watch the Skies.
[This message has been edited by finity5 (edited August 17, 2002).]
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # This file is not made or supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co # ======================================================================================== symbols message startup thing cam thing cam1 thing cam2 thing cam3 thing cam4 thing cam5 thing cam6 thing player local thing kyle local thing stormie thing officer thing Imperial1 thing Stormie1 thing kylepos1 template gunless=KyleBryarActor local sound beep=beep2.wav local int kyletalks local int officertalks local int stormietalks local flex movespeed1 keyframe talk1=kktlk1.key keyframe talk2=kktlk2.key keyframe talk3=kktlk3.key end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); playsong(8, 8, 8); jkBeginCutscene(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); Kyle = CreateThing(gunless, player); StopThing(Kyle); SetThingCurGeoMode(player, 0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam3); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(3.0); MoveToFrame(cam3, 1, movespeed1); Sleep(3.0); kyletalks = playkey(kyle, talk2, 1, 0x0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("Kyle: Thanks for the lift Mara."); Sleep(5.0); Stopkey(kyle, kyletalks, 0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("Mara: Anytime."); Sleep(5.0); AISetMoveSpeed(kyle, 1.0); AISetLookPos(kyle, GetThingPos(kylepos1)); AISetMovePos(kyle, GetThingPos(kylepos1)); Sleep(5.0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); kyletalks = playkey(kyle, talk2, 1, 0x0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); Stopkey(kyle, kyletalks, 0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); kyletalks = playkey(kyle, talk2, 1, 0x0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam4); SetCurrentCamera(0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); Stopkey(kyle, kyletalks, 0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); kyletalks = playkey(kyle, talk2, 1, 0x0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam5); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); Stopkey(kyle, kyletalks, 0); AiSetMode(Imperial1, 0x2000); AiSetMode(Stormie1, 0x2000); SetCameraFocus(0, cam); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(3.0); stormietalks = playkey(stormie, talk3, 1, 0x0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); Sleep(5.0); Stopkey(stormie, stormietalks, 0); officertalks = playkey(officer, talk2, 1, 0x0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam1); SetCurrentCamera(0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); sleep(5.0); Stopkey(officer, officertalks, 0); stormietalks = playkey(stormie, talk3, 1, 0x0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); sleep(5.0); Stopkey(stormie, stormietalks, 0); officertalks = playkey(officer, talk2, 1, 0x0); SetCameraFocus(0, cam2); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); sleep(5.0); Stopkey(officer, officertalks, 0); stormietalks = playkey(stormie, talk3, 1, 0x0); PlaySoundLocal(beep, 1.0, 0.0, 0); Print("----------"); sleep(5.0); Stopkey(stormie, stormietalks, 0); jkEndCutscene(); DestroyThing(kyle); //SetCameraFocus(0, jkGetLocalPlayer()); SetCameraFocus(0, jkGetLocalPlayer()); if (jkGetSaberCam() == 1) CycleCamera(); ClearActorFlags(jkGetLocalPlayer(), 0xa00000); SetThingCurGeoMode(player, 4); AutosaveGame(); //AIClearMode(imperial1, 0x2000); Return; # ........................................................................................ end
is there something wrong with it? or do i just need to add something to make him stop at the ghost position?
Watch the Skies.
[This message has been edited by finity5 (edited August 17, 2002).]