I'm working on a cog to launch a squadron of fighters from a hanger. The fighters must move to a "ready" position, a "launch" position, and then takes off. When the first fighter reaches the launch position the second fighter begins to move to the ready position, etc.
When the switch is activated, the the cog sends a message to the baydoor cog which returns if the doors are opened or closed.
The variable "shipsready" is the number of ships already in the ready position.
My problem is that the cog is not recieving the "activated" message from the switch.
[This message has been edited by force_dude (edited August 17, 2002).]
When the switch is activated, the the cog sends a message to the baydoor cog which returns if the doors are opened or closed.
The variable "shipsready" is the number of ships already in the ready position.
My problem is that the cog is not recieving the "activated" message from the switch.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # fd_ship.COG # # Launches a squadron of fighters # # # This Cog is Not supported by LucasArts Entertainment Co #==============================================================# symbols thing ship0 linkid=0 thing ship1 linkid=0 thing ship2 linkid=0 thing ship3 linkid=0 thing ship4 linkid=0 thing ship5 linkid=0 thing ship6 linkid=0 thing ship7 linkid=0 thing ship8 linkid=0 thing ship9 linkid=0 thing tempship local surface switch linkid=1 int closedstring int launchstring int shipsready int readyframe int launchframe int numframes int numships local int launching=0 local int curship local int inreadypos local int endframe local int closed local int dummy local sound activated=set_hi2.wav local sound blocked=lgclick1.wav local sound doorclosed=00alarmloop01.wav local flex readydeley=0.25 local flex launchdeley=0.5 local flex readyspeed=2 local flex launchspeed=4 local flex movespeed=8 local flex soundlen local cog baydoor message startup message activated message arrived message timer end #==============================================================# code #------------------------------------------------------ startup: Sleep(1); for(curship = 0; ship0[curship] >= 0 && curship < 10; curship = curship + 1) { numships = numships + 1; } endframe = numframes - 1; Return; #------------------------------------------------------ activated: if(GetSenderID() == 0) Return; if(launching) { PlaySoundLocal(blocked, 1.0, 0, 0); Return; } launching = 1; SetWallCel(switch, 1); PlaySoundLocal(activated, 1.0, 0, 0); closed = SendMessageEx(baydoor, user0, 1, -1, -1, -1); // Check baydoor status if(closed) // if doors are closed { soundlen = GetSoundLen(doorclosed); soundlen = soundlen * 3; dummy = PlaySoundLocal(doorclosed, 1.0, 0, 0x5); jkPrintUNIString(-1, closedstring); SetTimerEx(soundlen, 3, -1, -1); SetWallCel(switch, 1); launching = 0; Return; } curship = 0; inreadypos = shipsready; jkPrintUNIString(-1, launchstring); call launch; Return; #------------------------------------------------------ arrived: tempship = GetSenderRef(); if(GetCurFrame(tempship) == readyframe) { SetTimerEx(readydeley, 1, tempship, -1); } else if(GetCurFrame(tempship) == launchframe) { SetTimerEx(launchdeley, 2, tempship, -1); call launch; } else if(GetCurFrame(tempship) == endframe) { DestroyThing(tempship); } Return; #------------------------------------------------------ timer: tempship = GetParam(0); if(GetSenderId() == 1) { call launch; } else if(GetSenderId() == 2) { MoveToFrame(tempship, endframe, movespeed); } else if(GetSenderId() == 3) { StopSound(dummy, 1); } Return; #------------------------------------------------------ launch: if(curship == numships) { SetWallCel(switch, 0); SendMessageEx(baydoor, user0, 0, -1, -1, -1); Return; } else if(curship == inreadypos) { MoveToFrame(ship0[curship], readyframe, readyspeed); inreadypos = inreadypos + 1; } else if(curship < numships) { MoveToFrame(ship0[curship], launchframe, launchspeed); curship = curship + 1; } Return; #------------------------------------------------------ end
[This message has been edited by force_dude (edited August 17, 2002).]