I have heard of this kind of thing happening a lot, but it hasnt happened to me yet.
Anyway, my kyle.cog for GaSII checks to see if the player is using either of 2 skins, if not, the cog switches the skin to be compatable with the system. I did this because one of my weapons has support for using 2 of that weapon at the same time, and the only way to do this is to make a skin with the left handed gun already there.
SO, This cog works fine in SP and MP LEC levels, but not in any usermade levels. Well, the cog works, but it wont set the models at all. Also, if I start a game using a skin that is supported by the system, it gives me the error message that i coded in for when the skin doesnt work, then switches the skin to ky.3do (default model).
mmodels are the 2 reular supported skins without a gun built in.
wmodels are the 2 supported skins with the left handed gun in place.
I didn't used to document my cogs at all, so there is little or no reference as to what is going on, if you have any questions ask me.
I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.
Anyway, my kyle.cog for GaSII checks to see if the player is using either of 2 skins, if not, the cog switches the skin to be compatable with the system. I did this because one of my weapons has support for using 2 of that weapon at the same time, and the only way to do this is to make a skin with the left handed gun already there.
SO, This cog works fine in SP and MP LEC levels, but not in any usermade levels. Well, the cog works, but it wont set the models at all. Also, if I start a game using a skin that is supported by the system, it gives me the error message that i coded in for when the skin doesnt work, then switches the skin to ky.3do (default model).
mmodels are the 2 reular supported skins without a gun built in.
wmodels are the 2 supported skins with the left handed gun in place.
I didn't used to document my cogs at all, so there is little or no reference as to what is going on, if you have any questions ask me.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # KYLE.COG # # Main script for the player. Handles things like saber info, # saber blocking animations, invulnerability at respawn, etc. # # [YB & CYW] # added support for 2 berettas, shield suit, and jetpack # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved symbols thing player local int nextBlock=0 local int bin local int rank local int bin00=62 local #shield suit shtuff model Model=-1 local model iModel=invis.3do local #beretta shtuff model mmodel0=kya18.3do local model mmodel1=kya19.3do local model wmodel0=2gtroop.3do local model wmodel1=bryg2s.3do local #gib/blood template blood=+bloodstain local template bloodcloud=+bloodcloud local template head=limb1 local template torso=limb2 local template arm=limb3 local template leg=limb4 local flex shield local flex damage local sound outsnd=SCAlarm.wav local int pmodel=-1 local int force_blinding=0 local int blindingEffectHandle=-1 local int PulledWeapon local int playersector local vector playerpos local int bub local template tpl=+FPBryarPistol local template tpl1=+FPBryarPistol local template tpl2=+FPBryarPistol local template tpl3=+FPSTrifle local template tpl4=+FPDetonator local template tpl5=+FPCrossbow local template tpl6=+FPRepeaterGun local template tpl7=+FPRailGun local template tpl8=+FPSeqCharge local template tpl9=+FPConcRifle local template smoke_tpl=+heavysmoke local int smoke local template teleport_particles=+telesparks local sound teleportsnd=ForceThrow01.WAV local template bubble_tpl=bubble local template bubble_tpl2=bubble2 local template bubble_tpl3=bubble3 local template splash_tpl=+watersplash local template splash_tpl2=+watersplash2 local int a_splash local int sender local int source local keyframe povBlockAnim0=SabVblk0.key local keyframe povBlockAnim1=SabVblk1.key local keyframe povBlockAnim2=SabVblk2.key local keyframe blockAnim0=KYblock0.key local keyframe blockAnim1=KYblock1.key local keyframe blockAnim2=KYblock2.key local int dummy=0 local int blockPOVTrack=-1 local int blockTrack=-1 local int griptrackID=-1 local message startup message killed message newplayer message timer message blocked message skill message damaged message splash message user0 message pulse end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetTimerEx(1, 101, -1, -1); if(!IsMulti()) call init_kyle; // Bubbles if(IsMulti()) SetTimerEx(4 + 5 * rand(), 2, 0, 0); else SetTimerEx(2 + 5 * rand(), 2, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ killed: if(player != GetSenderRef()) Return; SetThingModel(player, wmodel0[pmodel]); if(IsMulti()) SendTrigger(-1, 5000, player, 0, 0, 0); else ParseArg(player, "puppet=ky.pup"); check = 0; SetPulse(0); //Gibs for multi player + backpack crap if(IsMulti()) { SetThingFlags(player, 0x10); SendTrigger(-1, 1000, player, GetThingVel(GetSourceRef()), 0, 0); CreateBackpack(player); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x2000); } // clean up force powers stuff if(blindingEffectHandle!=-1) { freeColorEffect(blindingEffectHandle); blindingEffectHandle = -1; } ClearActorFlags(player, 0x800); KillTimerEx(27); force_blinding = 0; ClearActorFlags(player, 0x40000); if(griptrackID != -1) { StopKey(player, griptrackID, 0.1); griptrackID = -1; } Return; # ........................................................................................ damaged: if(GetParam(1) == 32) call make_bubbles; damage = GetParam(0); if(IsInvActivated(player, bin00) == 1) { shield = GetInv(player, 117); player = GetSenderRef(); if(shield > 0) { AddDynamicTint(player, 0, damage/100, damage/100); shield = shield - damage; if(shield <= 0) { damage = -shield; SetInv(player, bin00, 1.0); SetInvActivated(player, bin00, 0); Print("Shield Suit has run out of energy"); PlaySoundLocal(outsnd, 1.0, 0.0, 0); } else { damage = 0; jkStringClear(); jkStringConcatAsciiString("Shield Suit at "); jkStringConcatFlex(shield); jkStringOutput(); jkStringClear(); } SetInv(player, 117, shield); } } else if(IsMulti()) SendTrigger(-1, 2000, player, 0, 0, 0); else { CreateThingAtPos(bloodcloud, GetThingSector(victim), GetThingPos(victim), '0 0 0'); CreateThingAtPos(blood, GetThingSector(victim), GetThingPos(victim), '0 0 0'); } ReturnEx(damage); Return; # ........................................................................................ make_bubbles: playersector = GetThingSector(player); playerpos = VectorAdd(GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0.075'); for(bub = 1; bub < 1 + 3 * rand(); bub = bub + 1) { CreateThingAtPosNR(bubble_tpl[3 * rand()], playersector, VectorAdd(playerpos, VectorScale(VectorNorm(VectorSet(rand()-0.5, rand()-0.5, rand()-0.5)), 0.05)), '0 0 0'); Sleep(0.05); // Don't create too many bubbles over the network... if(!IsMulti()) { CreateThingAtPos(bubble_tpl3, playersector, VectorAdd(playerpos, VectorScale(VectorNorm(VectorSet(rand()-0.5, rand()-0.5, rand()-0.5)), 0.05)), '0 0 0'); Sleep(0.05); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ newplayer: call init_kyle; // If it's multiplayer if(IsMulti()) call init_multi_kyle; // Start Bubbles SetTimerEx(2 + 5 * rand(), 2, 0, 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: if(GetSenderId() == 1) // Invulnerable for a while { // jkSetInvulnerable(GetParam(0), 0); ClearActorFlags(GetParam(0), 8); Return; } else if(GetSenderId() == 2) // Bubbles check { if(GetThingHealth(player) < 1) Return; if((GetThingFlags(player) & 0x2000000) && !(GetPhysicsFlags(player) & 0x100000)) call make_bubbles; if(IsMulti()) SetTimerEx(4 + 5 * rand(), 2, 0, 0); else SetTimerEx(2 + 5 * rand(), 2, 0, 0); Return; } else if(GetSenderId() == 24) { // A pulled weapon must be made takeable again SetCollideType(GetParam(0), 1); Return; } else if(GetSenderId() == 27) { if(blindingEffectHandle!=-1) { freeColorEffect(blindingEffectHandle); blindingEffectHandle = -1; } // Get the effect ramping down AddDynamicTint(player, 200 + 8 * rank, 210 + 10 * rank, 200 + 8 * rank); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x800); force_blinding = 0; Return; } else if(GetSenderId() == 31) { if(griptrackID != -1) { StopKey(player, griptrackID, 0.1); griptrackID = -1; } ClearActorFlags(player, 0x40000); Return; } else if(GetSenderID() == 100) SetPulse(0.01); else if(GetSenderID() == 101) { Model=GetThingModel(player); if((model != mmodel0) && (model != mmodel1)) { SetThingModel(player, mmodel0); if(IsMulti()) Print("Error: model not compatabple with GaSII system."); Model=GetThingModel(player); if(IsMulti()) Print("Error accounted for, please use GaSII skins in the future."); } } Return; # ........................................................................................ blocked: if(player != GetSenderRef()) Return; if (blockPOVTrack != -1) { jkStopPOVKey( player, blockPOVTrack, 0.1 ); blockPOVTrack = -1; } if (blockTrack != -1) { StopKey( player, blockTrack, 0.1 ); blockTrack = -1; } // PlaySoundThing(hitSound14, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0); blockPOVTrack = jkPlayPOVKey(player, povBlockAnim0[nextBlock], 2, 0x1a); blockTrack = PlayKey(player, blockAnim0[nextBlock], 2, 0x1a); nextBlock = nextBlock + 1; if(nextBlock > 2) nextBlock = 0; Return; # ........................................................................................ // This message is sent from the weap_saber.cog user0: if (blockPOVTrack != -1) { jkStopPOVKey( player, blockPOVTrack, 0.1 ); blockPOVTrack = -1; } if (blockTrack != -1) { StopKey( player, blockTrack, 0.1 ); blockTrack = -1; } Return; # ........................................................................................ skill: // player might be dead when skill: arrives over the net... if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) Return; // Handle multiplayer force power effects bin = GetParam(0); rank = GetParam(1); if(bin == 24) // Force Pull { ReturnEx(0); if(!IsInvActivated(player, 28)) // Absorb makes player immune to Pull { if((GetCurWeapon(player) != 1) && (GetCurWeapon(player) != 10)) { // Create a powerup corresponding to the current weapon PulledWeapon = CreateThingAtPos(tpl[GetCurWeapon(player)], GetThingSector(player), GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0'); // Make the powerup collide later SetTimerEx(0.2, 24, PulledWeapon, 0); // Duplicate for internet games SetTimerEx(0.25, 24, PulledWeapon, 0); // Throw the powerup at the player ApplyForce(PulledWeapon, VectorScale(VectorNorm(VectorSub(GetThingPos(GetSourceRef()), GetThingPos(player))), 30)); // Remove the weapon from the player ChangeInv(player, GetCurWeapon(player), -1); // Switch to fists SelectWeapon(player, 1); ReturnEx(1); } } Return; } else if (bin == 27) // Force Blinding { if((!force_blinding) && (!IsInvActivated(player, 23))) // Seeing makes player immune to Blinding { force_blinding = 1; blindingEffectHandle = newColorEffect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200 + 8 * rank, 210 + 10 * rank, 200 + 8 * rank, 1.0); SetActorFlags(player, 0x800); SetTimerEx(4 * rank, 27, player, 0); ReturnEx(1); } else { ReturnEx(0); } Return; } else if (bin == 31) // Force Grip { if(!IsInvActivated(player, 29)) // Protection makes player immune to Grip { griptrackID = PlayMode(player, 25); SetActorFlags(player, 0x40000); // Print("You are taking Grip damage"); jkPrintUNIString(player, 300); DamageThing(player, 2 * rank, 0x8, GetSourceRef()); SetTimerEx(0.5, 31, player, 0); ReturnEx(1); } else { ReturnEx(0); } Return; } else if (bin == 34) // Deadly Sight { // Print("You are taking Deadly Sight damage"); jkPrintUNIString(player, 301); DamageThing(player, 4 * rank, 0x8, GetSourceRef()); smoke = CreateThingAtPosNR(smoke_tpl, GetThingSector(player), GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0'); // Raise the tint above the normal damage tint if(GetCurrentCamera() == 0) AddDynamicTint(player, 0.15, 0.0, 0.07); ReturnEx(1); Return; } ReturnEx(-1); Return; # ........................................................................................ splash: // splash: messages are only sent to the local player's cogs // (class cog and capture cog) for performance reasons... sender = GetSenderRef(); source = GetSourceRef(); // actor or player ? if((GetThingType(sender) == 2) || (GetThingType(sender) == 10)) { // whatever source (i.e. enter or leave, don't care) a_splash = CreateThingAtPosNR(splash_tpl2, GetThingSector(sender), GetThingPos(sender), '0 0 0'); } // these are mostly the projectiles... else { // on entering only if(source == 1) // not if player is submerged, but still do it if he's on the surface if(!(GetThingFlags(player) & 0x2000000) || (GetPhysicsFlags(player) & 0x100000)) a_splash = CreateThingNR(splash_tpl, sender); } Return; # ........................................................................................ init_kyle: // make sure we can see the player if he was gibbed previously ClearThingFlags(player, 0x10); SetActorFlags(player, 8); SetInvAvailable(player, 41, 1); SetTimerEx(1.50, 1, player, 0); SetTimerEx(2, 100, -1, -1); // Set Health to full SetThingHealth(player, 100); // Set Mana to full SetInv(player, 14, GetInv(player, 20) * 50); // Set Shields to 100 minimum if(GetInv(player, 60) < 100) SetInv(player, 60, 100); // Set Battery to 100 minimum if(GetInv(player, 13) < 100) SetInv(player, 13, 100); // Set the power boost to 1.0 SetInv(player, 63, 1.0); // When player starts, give him fists, and a bryar. SetInv(player, 1, 1.0); SetInv(player, 2, 1.0); // Give 50 energy minimum if(GetInv(player, 11) < 50) SetInv(player, 11, 50.0); // Bacta if(GetInv(player, 40) == 0) SetInvAvailable(player, 40, 0); else SetInvAvailable(player, 40, 1); // IR Goggles SetInv(player, 41, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 41, 1); // Field Light SetInv(player, 42, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 42, 1); SetInvActivated(player, 42, 0); ClearActorFlags(player, 4); jkEndTarget(); Return; # ........................................................................................ init_multi_kyle: SetTimerEx(2, 100, -1, -1); SetInv(player, 41, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 41, 1); SetInvActivated(player, 41, 0); // Set Weapons ClearThingFlags(player, 0x10); SetInv(player, 1, 1.0); SetInv(player, 2, 1.0); SetInv(player, 3, 0.0); SetInv(player, 4, 0.0); SetInv(player, 5, 0.0); SetInv(player, 6, 0.0); SetInv(player, 7, 0.0); SetInv(player, 8, 0.0); SetInv(player, 9, 0.0); SetInv(player, 10, 1.0); // Set Ammo SetInv(player, 11, 50.0); SetInv(player, 12, 0.0); SetInv(player, 15, 0.0); // Remove bacta tank and IR goggles SetInv(player, 40, 0); SetInvAvailable(player, 40, 0); // Set shields to 100 SetInv(player, 60, 100); // Do respawn effects dummy = CreateThingAtPos(teleport_particles, GetThingSector(player), GetThingPos(player), '0 0 0'); dummy = PlaySoundThing(teleportsnd, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x180); SetFireWait(player, -1); SetMountWait(player, 0); SetCurInvWeapon(player, 0); SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); Return; # pulse: if (GetInv(player, 3) == 2) { if ((GetCurWeapon(player) == 3) && (check == 0)) { if(GetThingModel(player) == mmodel0) pmodel = 0; else if(GetThingModel(player) == mmodel1) pmodel = 1; PrintInt(pmodel); SetThingModel(player, wmodel0[pmodel]); check = 1; } else if ((GetInv(player, 3) !=2) || (GetCurWeapon(player) != 3)) { check = 0; if (model != -1) { SetThingModel(player, mmodel0[pmodel]); } } } if (IsInvActivated(player, bin00) == 1) SetThingModel(player, iModel); else if ((IsInvActivated(player, bin00) == 0) && (GetThingModel(player) == iModel)) SetThingModel(player, Model); return; end
I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.
I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.