...Unless, of course, you are referring to small architectural details, which can sometimes be hidden by poor texturing. Enter my latest cog; The Dflt-leveler. Upon activation, it will set all of the surfaces in a level to the default material (actully, my own dflt.mat 'clone', which has 9 cels, for reasons Ill explain later). When activated a second time, it will change the textures back to what they were before. Having said that, I will add, this is my second official use of the heap verbs... Mad props to SM, for his research.
Do note, I ran it through Scribe, for those here who have difficulty reading my coding style. (which problably means everyone...)
Click here for the material.
About the material: The JK engine treats the dflt.mat differently than any other mat. When I modified it, and replaced it in my res2.gob, even with multiple cels, I couldnt set the wall cel. As a workaround, it isnt called dflt.mat... Place this material in your 'Jedi Knight/Resource/mat/' folder.
The cog itself can be implemented easist by saving it as "item_fieldlight.cog", andp placing it in 'Jedi Knight/Resouce/cog/'. Then, ingame, simply activate the fieldlight.
Or, if your lazy, just wait for my "GBK tools" mod, which I will be releasing soon. This cog will be included, along with quite a few others.
Oh, and please, respond. I could use some feedback.![http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif)
I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.
JK editing resources.
# Simple script to change all of a level's surfaces to dflt, then back again. # # 09/2002 GBK - Packman573@aol.com symbols message Activated material M=gbk_dflt.mat local int I=0 local int P=0 local int H=0 local end code activated: if(!P) { if(!H) { H = 1; Print("Saving original mats..."); HeapNew(0, GetSurfaceCount() + 1); for(I = 0; I <= GetSurfaceCount(); I = I + 1) HeapSet(I, GetSurfaceMat(I)); } P = 1; Print("Setting dflt material..."); for(I = 0; I <= GetSurfaceCount(); I = I + 1) SetSurfaceMat(I, M); } else { P = 0; Print("Setting original mats..."); for(I = 0; I <= GetSurfaceCount(); I = I + 1) SetSurfaceMat(I, HeapGet(I)); } Stop; end
Do note, I ran it through Scribe, for those here who have difficulty reading my coding style. (which problably means everyone...)
Click here for the material.
About the material: The JK engine treats the dflt.mat differently than any other mat. When I modified it, and replaced it in my res2.gob, even with multiple cels, I couldnt set the wall cel. As a workaround, it isnt called dflt.mat... Place this material in your 'Jedi Knight/Resource/mat/' folder.
The cog itself can be implemented easist by saving it as "item_fieldlight.cog", andp placing it in 'Jedi Knight/Resouce/cog/'. Then, ingame, simply activate the fieldlight.
Or, if your lazy, just wait for my "GBK tools" mod, which I will be releasing soon. This cog will be included, along with quite a few others.
Oh, and please, respond. I could use some feedback.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/frown.gif)
I used to believe that we only want what we can't have. I was wrong. The truth is, the wonderful truth is, we only want what we think we can't have.
JK editing resources.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.