I've made a character that holds two blasters, one in each hand, and I need it so that when he fires his weapons, two projectiles are shot, but I'm still not cog literate and wouldn't know the first place to look. So if someone could help me with this, I'd really appreciate it.
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "STROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
[This message has been edited by Stormtrooper (edited October 13, 2002).]
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "STROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"
[This message has been edited by Stormtrooper (edited October 13, 2002).]