LoL **** you should have wrote it yourself cuz you were right on all accounts, sorry I was writing that from work, from memory.
1) the victim slipped in, it should have been victor.
2) Yes you should check if the thing killing the player has a parent.
3) Actaully unless your host, your sending the trigger to the other persons version of that cog. I would assign the cog to the player in items.dat or incorporate this code into another local cog. Thats what i meant by each player must run this locally.
It might be possible to run it just on host's killed: but I cant recall if another persons death sends the killed message to other players hence the triggers. SyncScores(); probably isnt nessesary but I think I remember reading that it might wait until next death to sync them without it.
Try this version:
- Wisdom is 99% experience, 1% knowledge. -