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ForumsCog Forum → E-web
2002-11-21, 2:41 AM #1
Somone know how to make E-web that player can control?
2002-11-21, 3:10 AM #2

The Sniper Missions. Current project, The Sniper Missions

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2002-11-21, 3:26 AM #3
um sorry i forget

2002-11-21, 7:06 AM #4
I could do it, but it wouldnt be pretty. Nothing like the MotS Eweb...
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-11-21, 8:58 AM #5
well.. 3do mustn't be great looking. i can do new. yust need cog, pupet control etc
2002-11-21, 10:11 AM #6
Well, theres 2 ways to do it. 1) Change the player's model, and make HIM the Eweb. 2) would be to make the player invisible, change the Eweb to one with a "player" on it, and match up the player's lookvector to the Eweb. But doing either, fire control int going to be easy. In MotS I could use Playeraction, but that doesnt exist in JK.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2002-11-21, 1:26 PM #7
GBK: Couldn't you just write a weapon cog that goes along with the new eweb and place the relevent code for firing within the fire message? As for the look vector, It doesn't get the Z, but if I remember people had found a way around that? By firing a projectile and using that to find the vector?

I remember doing something similar to this when I made some crude remote controlled turrents in JK a couple years back. Having the fireprojectile line within the fire message of a weapon cog also made sure the parent was set to the player if I remember correctly. (Which is another minor issue, since setthingparent() doesn't exist in JK)Sadly my code on that was a bit buggy, and in the process of moving computers I lost it anyway.
2002-11-21, 1:41 PM #8
You could try attaching the player to the turret and use a 0.1 pulse that gets the player's rotvel but the turret wont be able to point up but it will look alot smoother than SetThingLook if thats what you plan on doing. To fire it have the pulse send triggers containing the turret info and have a gun cog fire it.

I made a turret with this method a few weeks ago, and it works really well but it still might be a bit laggy in multiplayer.
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
2002-11-22, 3:49 AM #9
yeah, one more - how to disable player that he cant change position (you know.. player cant move with E-Web...)
2002-11-22, 5:05 AM #10
There is a flag or combination of flags, check the JKSpecs or better yet datamaster.
2002-11-22, 1:26 PM #11
You can use the same flags force grip uses to freeze the player or just parsearg the player vels and thrusts to 0 or something. To get the projectiles parent be the player try having the player fire them, but you use TeleportThing to teleport them to the muzzle area of the turret.
I am _ Ace_1 _ , and I approve this message.
2002-11-25, 10:18 AM #12
You could disable the player by the same methods used during cutscenes.

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If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to
patient observation than to any other reason. -Isaac Newton

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