K, this cutscenecog is far from complete, but I've run into some problems with moving AI around. Mainly, they refuse to walk during the cutscene...
The Tsjemir person and the Stormie1 both respond well to the AiSetLookFrame commands, but they refuse to walk until after the cutscene. (I've tried both AiSetMoveFrame and AiSetMovePos. Both with the same effect.)
I've used the commands before but I don't recall having any difficulties with it.
Do I have to use a arrived message? Is that it?
The Tsjemir person and the Stormie1 both respond well to the AiSetLookFrame commands, but they refuse to walk until after the cutscene. (I've tried both AiSetMoveFrame and AiSetMovePos. Both with the same effect.)
I've used the commands before but I don't recall having any difficulties with it.
Do I have to use a arrived message? Is that it?
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # This cutscene will once more explain the whole 'apt' history. # cutscenelevel3.cog # # This was writen by ZOOIkes aka Vedder # # #==============================================================# symbols message startup thing cam0 thing cam1 thing cam2 thing cam3 thing cam4 thing shuttle thing digger thing stormie1 thing Tsjemir vector Gosto vector GoTes int player local int done=0 local int diggin local int flyin local sound shuttlesnd sound diggersnd flex camspeed1=8 flex camspeed2=2 flex shuttlespeed=4 flex stspeed=2 flex patrolspeed=2 end #==============================================================# code startup: if(done) Return; done = 1; player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); jkBeginCutscene(); SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); StopThing(player); AISetMoveSpeed(stormie1, stspeed); AISetMoveSpeed(Tsjemir, patrolspeed); SetCameraFocus(0, cam0); Sleep(2); Print("There is a myth which says that there was once a perfect race."); Sleep(4); Print("It is said that their perfection came forth out of a divine disc."); Sleep(4); Print("This disc could bring unlimited strength...."); Sleep(4); Print("The myth didn't mention where this race lived."); Sleep(4); Print("Hellior4"); Sleep(1); SetCameraFocus(0, cam1); Sleep(1); MoveToFrame(cam1, 1, camspeed1); Sleep(1); Print("Over time the race extincted,"); Sleep(1.5); Print("leaving their temples and palaces for the elements to destroy."); Sleep(6); SetCameraFocus(0, cam0); Sleep(2); Print("When the planet was discovered by the Imperial forces near the end of their dominion,"); flyin=PlaySoundLocal(shuttlesnd, 1, 0, 0x1); MoveToFrame(shuttle, 1, shuttlespeed); Sleep(7); Stopsound(flyin, 0.1); DestroyThing(shuttle); SetCameraFocus(0, cam2); Print("they began transforming the planet into a mining facility."); diggin=PlaySoundLocal(diggersnd, 1, 0, 0x1); MoveToFrame(digger, 1, 5); AISetLookFrame(stormie1, 1); AISetMovePos(stormie1, Gosto); Sleep(0.1); Sleep(8); StopSound(diggin, 0.1); SetCameraFocus(0, cam3); MoveToFrame(cam3, 5, camspeed1); Print("While digging through the rocky soil they stumbled upon these temples and palaces."); Sleep(4); Print("This is where they found the mythical disc."); Sleep(5); SetCameraFocus(0, cam0); Sleep(.5); Print("After the destruction of the second Death Star,"); Sleep(3); Print("when the Empire fell,"); Sleep(2.5); Print("the planet was abandoned."); Sleep(2.5); Print("What had happened to the disc became a mystery..."); Sleep(4); Print("The New Republic never could free the galaxy from tyranny completely."); Sleep(4); Print("The Senate in a while became as corrupt as it was at the time of the Old Republic."); Sleep(4); SetCameraFocus(0, cam4); Sleep(1); MoveToFrame(cam4, 3, camspeed2); Print("Tsjemir, a thief, earned his money stealing,"); AISetLookFrame(Tsjemir, 2); AISetMovePos(Tsjemir, goTes); Sleep(0.1); Sleep(2); Print("mostly he plundered old Imperial Bunkers or abandoned bases."); Sleep(1); Sleep(3); jkEndCutscene(); SetCameraFocus(0, jkGetLocalPlayer()); if(jkGetSaberCam() == 1) CycleCamera(); ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); Return; #------------------------------------------------------ end