Well, I was originally intending to ask this in a more of a cloak-and-dagger manner, but I might as well not, as I suppose I'll receive better help if I'm clearer.
THAT is a mouse-driven menu using playeraction.
The whole vector thing at the end is needless, methinks. I just copied that part over from the farsight cog. Once I had the playeraction down, I decided that I might model the mouse movement system off of farsight. The mouse, however, just disappears once I move it ingame. How would I move the mouse up, down, left, or right in a free form fashion?
[This message has been edited by Grismath (edited December 23, 2002).]
# menu.cog # # # [Grismath] #======================================================================================# symbols message activated message playeraction thing screen thing camera thing cam0 thing cam1 thing cam2 thing cam3 thing mouse int curFrame=0 local int using=0 local flex tempflex local vector tempvec local vector tempvec2 local vector motionVector local end #======================================================================================# code #-------------------------------------------------------- activated: if(GetSenderRef()==screen) { SetCurrentCamera(0); SetCameraFocus(0, camera); using=1; SetActionCog(0, -1); SetActionCog(GetSelfCog(), 0x7FFFFFFF); } return; #-------------------------------------------------------- playeraction: if(using==1) { ReturnEx(0); if(GetParam(0)==8) { if(GetParam(2)>0) { tempflex=2.8; motionVector = VectorSet(VectorX(motionVector), tempflex, VectorZ(motionVector)); } if(GetParam(2)<0) { tempflex=2.8; motionVector = VectorSet(VectorX(motionVector), -tempflex, VectorZ(motionVector)); } } if(GetParam(0)==5) { if(GetParam(2)>0) { motionVector = VectorSet(GetParam(2), VectorY(motionVector), VectorZ(motionVector)); } if(GetParam(2)<0) { motionVector = VectorSet(GetParam(2), VectorY(motionVector), VectorZ(motionVector)); } } if(GetParam(0)==3) { print("Click"); Sleep(0.2); } tempvec = GetThingLVec(camera); tempvec = VectorScale(tempvec, VectorZ(motionVector) / 3); tempvec2 = GetThingUVec(camera); tempvec2 = VectorScale(tempvec2, VectorY(motionVector) / 3); tempvec = VectorAdd(tempvec, tempvec2); tempvec2 = GetThingRVec(camera); tempvec2 = VectorScale(tempvec2, VectorX(motionVector) / 3); tempvec = VectorAdd(tempvec, tempvec2); SetThingVel(camera, tempvec); } return; #-------------------------------------------------------- end
THAT is a mouse-driven menu using playeraction.
The whole vector thing at the end is needless, methinks. I just copied that part over from the farsight cog. Once I had the playeraction down, I decided that I might model the mouse movement system off of farsight. The mouse, however, just disappears once I move it ingame. How would I move the mouse up, down, left, or right in a free form fashion?
[This message has been edited by Grismath (edited December 23, 2002).]