symbols thing HHH sound activation nolink keyframe activatekey nolink message startup end # ======================================================================================== code startup: MoveToFrame(HHH, 1, 1.5); sleep(1.5); AiSetLookFrame(HHH, 2); Sleep(1.5); MoveToFrame(HHH, 2, 1.5); Sleep(1.5); Print("Hmmmmm, what to get....I'll just press a button and see what I get."); Sleep(0.5); PlayKey(HHH, activatekey, 2, 0x0); Sleep(0.1); PlaySoundLocal(activation, 1, 0, 132); Print("Ahhhh, Coca Cola, a MAN'S drink.. HAHAHAHAHA"); Return; end
The thing "HHH" doesn't move to the frames, he'll look at frame 2 and play the keyframe, but he will not move, did I miss something?
Last week I cudn't evn spel grajuat, but now I is one.
*Takes out his blaster and fires shots at the wall, the blastmarks leave the words "STROOPER WUZ 'ERE!!!"